You are correct. I would focus on my job. Because that's what I dwell on when I get tired of dwelling on my fat.
You are correct. I would focus on my job. Because that's what I dwell on when I get tired of dwelling on my fat.
I know that it isn't true, but there is a part of me that will never get over the idea that if only I could buckle down and lose 40/75/100 pounds my life would finally be perfect. I've always lived with this insane notion that if I were skinny, I would suddenly have perfect life and zero problems. It's so nuts.
I have one who sadly ended up blocking me because every time she would post her bullshit pyramid scheme weight loss snake oil crap before and after pics, I would always be like, "But you (or the person) look exactly the same." She's try to argue but I'd just stick with it, "No, see, that after picture is taken from a…
Yeah. Only for me it's like, I could never have food again. Much less my precious, precious wine. To have a body like that I would have to live on protein shakes, raw vegetables, and work out 4-6 hours per day. That would not be a pleasant life for me.
Well, my husband and all his law school buddies have PTSD from it, I swear. You're probably better off doing something less life destroying, lol.
She is VERY lucky. Did she go to UT Law? It seems like if you graduated from the law school, you have a higher chance of working in Austin. My husband went to University of Houston, which is also a VERY good law school, but also makes it so he can't compete in Austin unless he wants to take a massive pay cut.
Oh my god I would have had so much fun with that witches thing! You should have put a bunch of twigs and rocks Blair Which style all around your shop. Hilarious.
-hugs to you-
If only the Austin job market wasn't so saturated. :( My husband is an attorney and we've looked at job postings in Austin for him several times. It's like they know how desperately educated people want to be in Austin, so the majority pay insanely low for attorneys. Just crazy low. It's so frustrating. I'll probably…
Well, if I was from here, I probably wouldn't have a problem saying it to their faces, either. It's different when you're not from a place, though. My husband is from here and pretty much feels the same was I do, but he will only take so much bashing of his home town from me. If I say negative things about this place…
Well, I live in Texas, and I'd be perfectly fine raising kids in Austin or Houston. Houston, provided we lived in a progressive part of the city that isn't also riddled with crime. I would definitely avoid the outer suburbs and the no man's land ring between 610 and the Beltway. I'd even consider Ft. Worth, San…
Yep. My husband and I are currently living in a small town with "small town values." People like to call it a "great place to raise a family!" It's not. The "values" are abhorrent. As a result, I am refusing to have children until we move to a real city. Luckily my husband is on board with this plan, but the idea that…
Please ignore the trolls. I know it's difficult. But it's for the best in the long run. Don't give them the attention they so desperately crave.
I live in the sticks. We don't have fancy grocery stores. Yes, some products are being made without HFCS. (I use Simply Heinz for ketchup.) However, you can't always trust those bold letters on the packaging. The FDA changed the rules a few years ago, and if a product has trace amounts of HFCS or transfat, they can…
The only way to really avoid it entirely is to cook every single thing you eat from scratch. Which most people do not have the time or inclination to do. I am convinced we won't start seeing the obesity rates fall until HFCS is regulated and not put into every single damn thing. I was recently at a fast food chain,…
These ladies are super athletic and gorgeous but I really don't understand this whole twerking thing. And that song! Ugh! It's all n-word, bitches, n-word, blah blah bitches n-word bitches bitch bitch n-word n-word n-word. How is that empowering???
I want to know why you hate Bar Keeper's Friend! I love that stuff, is there something I don't know that I need to know?? I use it on my Le Cruset and my All Clad and if I shouldn't be doing that I want to know!
As someone with sensitivity to dairy this just makes my stomach hurt! Ugh. I little cheese, it's ok all is good. A lot of cheese? Oh watch out.
You will most certainly need a sponsor. Don't worry about it being a burden on them. My stepfather sponsored a Chinese friend of the family back in the 90's. He just basically had to vouch for her that neither she nor her daughter were criminals or likely to engage in criminal activity, and he had to agree to support…
You will be fine!! Trust me! I have a feeling most of the people commenting to you have not been outside the US, or if they have, they have never been to a developing nation and they have no idea how good we have it here when you compare to the vast majority of the world. I would say you will probably feel pretty…