OMG which one said that?! I must know.
OMG which one said that?! I must know.
Oh lord. "Causing divisiveness." I.E.: Shut the fuck up and stop pointing out the flaws in my logic. Also, "Yeah, well! If I'm a racist so are you! Neener neener!" Seriously, I'm sort of to the point where I just can't respect anyone who votes Republican. I can love them because they're family or whatever, I can be…
Oh I don't know. To some of my republican relatives, in order to be racist you must be a card carrying member of the KKK, involved in at least one neo-nazi organization, and basically go around all the time talking about how much you hate whatever group it is. Nothing else is racist! Nothing! /SMH
Nope. My sister was about four months old the first time they left her with my grandmother.
Ok, so if a doctor has determined her disability, and doctors have determined that she needed surgery... how is that fraud? Not everyone with a disability is visibly disabled.
I was really confused by the "and then they go back to work" part. I would NOT be able to do any work if I had been drinking. Can you imagine how long and draggy the rest of the day must have been??
I've never been so happy to be too fat to wear a brand in all my life.
If she is frauding the system, please call your state's HHS service line (almost all have them) and report her. I work in the system, and I'm really tired of people complaining about fraud but doing nothing to report it. I hope this doesn't come off too harshly, it's just that I see/hear it every day and I want people…
When I was in high school I wanted to write for the Weekly World News so bad! I am so sad that it's gone. :( Tabloids back then were WAY more fun.
Oh my god some of these people commenting to you are ridiculous. My mom and stepdad left us with my grandmother to travel internationally quite frequently. One time was for over a month while they planned our move to China. It wasn't that big of a deal and my sister and I had a blast with my grandmother. When we got…
Most people are completely reasonable. I got married a year and a half ago, and I will say that what I remember most are the people who came and celebrated with us, not the gifts we received. (Which, don't get me wrong, were INSANELY nice, but it's not the point of the wedding.) There were a few people who sent a gift…
Bless your heart. You clearly have no clue.
Tell her you'll participate only if you can bring the guillotine.
Oh my god. For the ten thousandth time, NO IT ISN'T. A gift is NOT mandatory. It is NOT to be expected. You are being invited to a wedding to share a ceremony and celebrate with the couple. If you want to bring a gift, that is great! But, weddings have become these giant cash/gift grabs and it's really gouche and kind…
Oh ok, I thought I might know you! My brother-in-law's mother runs a Facebook page and calls herself Edith online. :) She's a flaming liberal in deep red south Texas, and a pretty bad-ass lady. I'm in Victoria, but consider myself from Austin. I really want to move back but I'm here for my husband's job.
Right there with you, girl! High five!
Miss Edith, is this the same Miss Edith of Victoria, TX? :)
Exactly. It's pretty well known that Madonna is an extreme Narcissist, but I don't think anyone has ever accused her of being a sociopath. It really makes me uncomfortable when people accuse rape victims of lying. It is playing into the hands of the patriarchy.
Same here. I'm probably too old for most of their offerings by now, but it warms the cockles of my cold dark heart that they have expanded their sizes AND that they are so inclusive.
Yikes! I would have to fight the urge to go into social-worker mode so hard.