
All it ever did for me was make me violently projectile vomit and want to go home. :( I'm one of those people who can't have fun on that shit.

Girl, don't listen to the haters. You're doing it right.

Good lord. If anything (God forbid) ever happens to my husband, I don't think I will never get married again. Not because I don't like being married, I love it, and not because I'm so romantic I could never imagine myself with another person ever ever ever (blerg). But I CAN NOT stomach the thought of dating again.

Oh the WW products are absolutely horrific. When I was doing the meetings, one day the group leader brought in some "cookies" for us to try. I use the word "cookie" loosely. They tasted like cardboard bound together with chemicals. Of course, when I questioned why those are supposed to be healthier than, say, just a

When I go on Weight Watchers, I become an obsessive crazy person. I won't be able to sleep, and I'll stay up for hours surfing through the Points database on my phone, looking at restaurants I have never heard of or been to trying to find the highest point items. I will mentally calculate the points on other people's

That does not surprise me at all. I went super low carb once, and it was like my brain just shorted out completely. All these things happened: I forgot my best friend's name in the middle of a conversation with her, I got lost in the neighborhood I had lived in for five years while driving to my house, I repeatedly

Small towns as they are depicted in movies and TV never exist. Mayberry never existed, either. Pawnee and Mayberry exist in a vacuum where best qualities of American small towns are congealed into an idea of a place and all the negatives are left out.

As a government employee, that was my thinking as well. I mean, I won't dry my shirts from Old Navy in the dryer because if I hang them I will get many, many more wears out of them. Also, if these characters actually dressed the way real government employees dress, the article would be all about how awful the clothes

Articles about welfare and food stamps are frequently poorly researched. And not just on Jezebel. I actually work determining eligibility for those programs, and I've just gotten tired trying to correct wrong or misleading information. I usually don't even bother at this point.

I can almost guarantee that was a control thing. My sister is like that - she's ALWAYS a strict vegetarian, but right before holidays or trips she will suddenly announce that she's no longer eating flour, or she's gone vegan, or she's not eating any form of soy. One year she went on a fast at Christmas. Yes, a fast at

I once knew a vegan who hated vegetables. Pretty much all she ate was french fries and fried tofu. She was one of the most unhealthy people I have ever met.

Yeah, he mentions it like A MILLION TIMES. And the deal with that (and all guys who are all, "NO FAT CHICKS NO FATTY FATFATS!! NONE!") is this: what woman hasn't, at some point in her life, at least a little body insecurity? I saw an interview with Heidi-freaking-Klum of all people who talked about how she felt fat

Holy god those veneers! Holy jeezus god!

Oh yes, me too, absolutely. Funny thing is, when he started his screed with "NO FAT CHICKS" I was like, hmm.. pretty typical guy for the Austin dating scene. Then... I got to the rest of it. Good god.

Right? I really loved living off Ben White in 78745, but I didn't exactly brag about it. He clearly has not been made aware of Terrytown, Hyde Park, and Westlake if he thinks William Cannon is living high on the hog.

He brags about living of William Cannon? Really? (We've crashed his server by now, lol.)

Omg omg omg is that your puppy?!? I want to play with him and make him growl little puppy growls.

Me too: fat, tats, glasses, sarcastic, short hair. I have never felt more relieved to be myself in all my life.

Narcissistic personality disorder with douchebaggery by proxy.

The sad thing is, he was probably fairly decent looking back in his 20's before he did that to his mouth.