
I lived in Japan for a couple of years, and not once did I ever get over the feeling of being a giant lumbering water buffalo. Even though I was completely normal-sized back then by Western standards, I couldn't even make myself feel better by shopping. Any time I went into a clothing store or department store clothes

I'm not buying that argument. They weren't ratty cut-offs for wearing around the house. Everyone has lounge/work clothes. No. These were going-out booty shorts. I wasn't allowed to wear stuff like that, either but stuff I wasn't allowed to wear I wasn't allowed to buy or have.

But how are you supposed to save someone who doesn't want to be saved?

Whorebox! Awesome! I am also a fan of Twatwaffle.

I don't think anyone is trying to say that you are a bad feminist for not allowing your 13-year-old daughter to run around practically nekkid. (As a feminist, I fully support your choice, BTW.) I think that the difference is this - would you tell her she couldn't wear the shorts because they are "slutty" or would you

But that still begs the question - if she isn't allowed to wear short shorts, then why did she have the shorts to wear in the first place? Seems really hypocritical to me.

Alcoholics can handle a MUCH higher blood alcohol level than non-alcoholics. I had a roommate who's DUI blood alcohol level was .35. Everyone, including the arresting officers, were astounded. One said she should have been dead. When you drink all the time, almost without ever taking a break, it is astonishing how

HA! Is that duck face on Mr. Baldwin??

Don't forget how well the conservatives play into the fears of the religious and undereducated. They get the lower classes to vote for them by pandering to their religious beliefs and their fear of government "telling them what to do." Your average 10th grade educated redneck in the rural south is far more likely to

Yep. That underclass of servants and soldiers. It is absolutely 100% intentional.

I love planning kooky funerals, and this is a great idea. However, your aunt is going to need to arrange for some glass eyes because eyes are one of the first things to disintegrate after death. You know how a lot of those old Victorian memento mori photographs of dead people have sunken eyes? That's why.

J.Jill makes me so sad. I look at their stuff and I get so excited - simple cuts! Comfy looking! Nice, natural fabrics! My sizes! Then I try the stuff on and the disappointment is crushing. They just don't understand fit.

I came here to mention the Joan Rivers doc. I don't like roasts to begin with, but I found that part of the documentary heartbreaking. She didn't even want to do it in the first place, she just needed the money, and then it seemed like it really hurt her feelings. I love Joan and I wanted to get her off that stage and

You try making them not jump. I have one, and it's really just impossible. Dachshunds are gonna do what they want. They are the honey badgers of the dog world. They don't give a shit! lol.

What a cutie! How old is Kimble? My doxie also hates baths, but I've found bathing her in the kitchen sink is a bit easier because I have more control and she tries to escape less. It helps that I have a big sink, though.

They are long hair Dachshunds. Doxies come in smooth coat, long hair, and wire coat. The wire coats look like a terrier cross, but they're full Dachshund.

My dachshund hates baths, too! HATES THEM. I have found that bathing her in the kitchen sink is a bit easier. She doesn't try to climb out as much and I have more control because I'm standing instead of leaning over the tub.

Preach. I will "Texas Fight" that shit until the cows come home.

I know. At this point it's either A) nothing but rumor; B) the people with the dirt are waiting until he makes a legit run for major national office; or C) the people with the dirt are being blackmailed and/or threatened. As a life-long Texan, none of these scenarios would surprise me.

Mmm hmm. I have been hearing for YEARS that there are rent boys all over Austin holding out for big tabloid money to spill the beans on old Perry. I.Can't.WAIT.