
This is part of why I left the culinary field. I just got SO sick of hearing, "Well, we really want you to cater our rich person fundraiser dinner, but, you know, money is tight and this will be really great for your resume!" Yeah, fuck that. Nothing is ever "great for your resume" unless it's a goddamn paying JOB. A

I do not think he knows what the letters F.A.Q stand for....

It's gotta be Lame Giant. Their summer stuff this year is pretty colorful. What sucks is that this shirt wouldn't half bad without all the fucking flowers and bedazzling. I mean, what the fuck? Who wears that shit? 'Cause I'm plus sized and I sure as hell wouldn't be caught dead in that fugly monstrosity.

That is awesome. My best friend from college and I always had a dream that we would open a dress shop that would revolutionarily cater to almost all sizes and have all the sizes all together. No stupid split down the store, no shoving the plus sizes onto two racks in the back, sizes 2-24 all on racks together arranged

Wow! Thanks!

I've always wondered something about Todashi Shoji. When Octavia Spencer wears his clothes, she always looks amazing, but does he actually make plus sizes and keep them in show rooms/stores or does he just make special one-off pieces for celebrity clientele? Not that I could afford one of his dresses in any case, but

I don't like Skyler, but I don't like her for the same reasons I didn't like Carmella Soprano - she's completely culpable at this point in her husband's criminality, yet she pretends to be an innocent who is being held against her will. That was even more evident in last Sunday's episode when she was offered

I always wanted her as Janis as well. Unfortunately, I think she might be edging a bit too old at this point. Janis was only 27 when she died. :(

I know! I like Amy Adams, but I LOVE Janis Joplin and frankly this kind of blows.

Yeah. I mean, I get where all the "blah-blah can't judge a baby blah" people are coming from. I really do. But my money's on raging jerk wad. 100%.

I'm pretty sure the Hippie Wedding guy was a finalist on Season 3 of The Voice.

Yes! My husband and I are completely late to the party and just finished watching the first two seasons of Girls, and at the end when I said that Shoshanna is my favorite character and the one with whom I could actually be friends, he looked at me like I had grown a second head. But seriously, she's great. She's

I've also heard that a lot of nail salons are run staffed by people who are basically being extorted by their immigration sponsors. The way it works is that the sponsor tells people they will help them come to America (or the UK) by paying their transport, visa fees, giving them a place to live, and helping them to

Yes! THANK YOU! Obama actually paid attention to us during the '08 campaign, but we are largely ignored and written off by major players in the Democratic party. But you know what? We make up almost 50% of the voting public and there are more and more of us every day.

Exactly. It's like, oh ok call me more names. Really.

I like that they are attacking Wendy Davis rather than ignoring her. It means they are afraid of her or at least she threatens them. That is GREAT NEWS you guys. Seriously.

I just got around to watching Girls, and my husband and I LOVED IT. We're about a decade older than all the main characters, but we still found them compelling, frustrating, and real. Apparently, though, we're still super lame because judging by most of the comments it's already uncool to like Girls. Sigh.

Jeezus. The way these parents act, you'd think that college was just an extension of high school or even elementary school. I've heard lots of professors say that they hate this trend, but the administration goes along with the parents because the parents threaten to pull the kids out of the school and send them

Haters gonna hate.

She wasn't embarrassed! That's what galled me the most! She also lived with roommates, can you imagine? I would have DIED. My roommates would have made fun of me for YEARS. Also, NO WAY they would have tolerated having my dad stay at the house for a whole month!