
Ugh, a nutritionist. I am so sorry. I have met SO MANY judge-y nutritionists! Not that all are like this, but I had a chef instructor in culinary school who said that most people who become nutritionists do it basically so they can justify eating nothing but carrot and celery sticks.

That... is basically on them. I try never to do this around my skinny friends, It's just super awkward. Really, there's not a whole lot YOU can do. You might try saying something like, "You know, I feel like you are really cute/a great dresser/really pretty and it makes me super uncomfortable when you talk that way

Anniversary: something they would really enjoy but not necessarily buy for themselves. This doesn't have to be something hugely expensive, either - a gourmet food item they both love, a couples spa package, a gift certificate to a romantic restaurant, a really nice bottle of wine, etc. People deny themselves small

Ok ok. I get where you're going. And actually, the last few times I've been around her, I have very closely monitored my own behavior - making sure I wasn't needling her about her vegan food, making sure I was polite and kind and genuinely happy to see her, I also made sure not to bring up any topics that could

Oh girl. I hear you so much. If you're feeling snarky, a good response to the gym thing could be, "I just think you need to prioritize not being a bitch." If you actually want to be mentally healthy about it, you could try setting firm boundaries like, "Look, Sister, I appreciate that you spend a lot of time at the

Yeah, fellow Wendy girl! I sooo wish I lived in her district!

Oh my god yes. All my life, I've been told to shut up, to "let it go," to not voice my opinions, etc. You know what? FUCK THAT. I decided a long time ago not to do it, and it's pretty great. You seem awesome. Where in Texas are you?

Ok, so when I'm offended by being fat-shamed, I just get to get the fuck over it and know that my stupid lady brain is imagining all that. Just like JR's sister. Stupid me! /sarcasm. Get the fuck out.

She doesn't really practice the spiritual side of Yoga, and has confided to me before that she finds it uncomfortable. She also does a version called Ashtanga that is almost totally focused on physical ability.

Are you trying to say I need to just suck it up and stop complaining? Because comparing my sister who I have to see all the time at family get-togethers to crazy people in the psych ward is kind of shitty, IMHO.

I would love to go for drinks! I have to admit, when I read your first paragraph I nearly had a stroke, lol! I've often been told by my other family members that I just need to "accept her as she is" and stop fighting the fat-shaming. Fuck that! Why can't she accept me as I am??

YES! My yoga sister works extremely hard at her fitness. In addition to the 2+ hours of Ashtanga yoga she does daily, there is also the running, the biking, the swimming, and the hiking. Then there is the almost totally vegan almost entirely fat-free gluten-free diet. And you know, good for her. Her physique is really

I think even a simple, "Mom shut about about her weight. It's ultimately none of your damn business," in front of your sister could do amazing things for your relationship with your sister. Yeah, your mom's going to get defensive, but you can shrug that off. Your sister will love you forever for it.

I am also the Fat One to my half-sister who is The (VERY) Skinny Yogi One who also enjoys her fair share of fat-shaming. Let me tell you, it fucking sucks. It's almost to the point now where I'd rather just avoid her. My body is never going to be acceptable to her, yet it pisses her off that I'm not killing myself to

Yeah. I mean, when I was single and living in shared situations, I saw TONS of rental ads with stuff like that - no alcohol, no weed, no pets, no using the dishwasher (never understood this one), etc. Since I am a wine-swilling, cat-having, dishwasher-using, pot-head, I was able to skip these particular advertisements

True, but if that's going to be a problem, she needs to be up-front from the get-go, not after people have already signed leases.

Yeah, that roommate situation is completely out of control. If the home owner doesn't allow booze in the house, fine, but she needs to be upfront about that shit right away. I could not live in a house where I couldn't have my wine after work. That is absolutely untenable.

My husband and I were in New Orleans for vacay back in May, and we were shocked just shocked by the amount of public smoking. You just don't see it anymore in most parts of Texas. We also ended up buying a pack of Nat Shermans to enjoy in the bars so make of that what you will. It was fun, but I'm glad my city has

Yep. When they want to fatten up hogs for slaughter, do you know what they feed them? Skim milk and corn. A corn-based artificially low-fat diet is a recipe for being overweight. (I am a prime example being raised like this for years being told that fat was the devil.)

Oh my god please say that it is.