
Ugh! Juice and Kool-Aid! I used to do healthy living workshops for people with intellectual disabilities, and they ALL believed those (especially juice) were better for you than soda. It was such a difficult misunderstanding to correct. Some juices are even higher in sugar per serving than soda, just take a look at

I agree. After the NPR episode (when I wanted to KILL Piper's fiance) I really couldn't call her "Crazy Eyes" anymore. Her name is Suzanne. She doesn't embrace the moniker, it's not affectionate, and she doesn't even understand why people call her that. My heart broke for her, and I really hope we get more of her back

I suspect it happens A LOT. My husband and I were just speculating the other day about how people we know who make equal to our combined income live just vastly, vastly more luxurious lives then we do. We're sitting here talking about how we can cut back on small trips that seem to crop up all the time, cut back on

Yes, in addition to Lululemon, Junonia can also suck my fat ass. I don't pay that much for work clothes or going out clothes, they are insane to think I would pay that for clothes to get sweaty in. Freaking crazy.

-shudder- So scary. I don't understand what compels people to do that shit. It's just... completely mystifying to me.

Yes, it was a major benefit to being at a tiny private school. They really didn't put up with much bullshit, and they were able to take action. At the time, I was actually a little surprised the school took the steps they did because it is a Christian university and not the most feminist/progressive place in the

It's so freaking scary. My own issue was FAR less threatening than this, but still, ugh!

Ya think??

I will honestly tell you that no gift, no matter how small, gave me pause. Also, since we returned quite a few items, so we didn't much notice the individual cost of things. It was more like, ok, now we have $X amount to put toward the Kitchen Aid.

I think this is fine. They had a registry set up, they didn't outright ask for cash on the wedding website or what-not, and it was done by word-of-mouth through family. Also, a registry isn't saying you have to get something off the registry, it's just a suggestion to avoid duplicates of items and things the couple

But as I replied to someone else, asking for cash is not only nebulously "tacky," it also puts people in a bind, financially. I think most people are a lot more comfortable gifting, say, a $10 spatula set than a $10 check. It looks like "more."

This is an excellent point. By asking only for cash, you are putting people in a bind. That is rude. I had plenty of >$10 items on my registry for exactly this purpose - people with more limited resources could still gift something and (if we wanted) we could return groups of those smaller items for larger things. It

She is tacky. You are lucky you saw her true colors before spending any further money on her. Write her off.

We did something similar. We registered at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. We made sure to include lots of small under $10 items that were weren't exactly burning with passion for so that people who wanted to bring a gift but might be strapped for cash could. Then after the wedding we gathered up a lot of the small stuff, and

Right? We made sure to include lots of small under $10 items that were weren't exactly burning with passion for so that people who wanted to bring a gift but might be strapped for cash could. Then after the wedding we gathered up a lot of the small stuff, and exchanged it for a couple of big items we really wanted. It

If you elope, gifts are not to be expected and it would be considered rude to open a registry. You might be surprised by the generosity of the people who love you, though. I had a family friend who eloped and people still sent her modest amounts of cash and gift cards as a "congrats."

I asked for actual gifts, had a registry, and still got cash. You really, REALLY don't need to be so grubby as to ask for it outright. Yes, I said it, it's grubby. If people want to or can give you cash, they will. Trust me. I would never, EVER in a million freaking years on this planet ever dream of asking for cash.

Yeah I know. I was once at a slumber party where the lights went on-off-on-off while we were playing with the Ouija board. It freaked me out so bad I never touched one again.

Yeah, after we moved in together my husband was also shocked at how much I spend on my pretty basic non-high-maitenance girly... stuff. He really had no idea how much cash just basic upkeep costs - our clothes tend to be more expensive, our hair cuts are for sure more expensive, we need more variety in shoes and

Right? Ugh. I have found that "does not want high maintenance girlfriend" basically translates to, "Does not want a girl friend who spends a lot of money on her appearance, but I will insist on a physical appearance that is only achievable through significant monthly expenditures." Blargle.