
Yeah, I used to think the same thing. Then I had a miscarriage (early at that) and ended up in the emergency room screaming for pain meds. I decided at that moment that natural childbirth is Not For Me and things like epidurals were invented for a reason.

I always felt like Cameron Diaz was trying to appeal to that male demographic of dudes who want a conventionally attractive, extremely thin girlfriend, but also, "Don't want a girl who eats nothing but salad and can get down with a cheeseburger!!" They are THE WORST. And unfortunately there are a lot of them,

My favorite is this: "Oh! The baby weight? I lost that in two weeks just chasing the kids around! Teehee!" No, no you didn't.You likely are on a strict gluten-free, dairy-free, meat-free, corn-free diet and you also likely work out at least two hours every day.

There is definitely a HUGE amount of pressure in some circles to forgo pain meds and c-sections. My own sister (who has never had kids, FYI) is one of them. They are all up on this holier-than-thou bandwagon of people who have decided that medical interventions are evil and everyone should be able to give birth

This gif is the best!

Me too! I love it when terrible people, especially terrible people who get their terribleness glorified on national TV, get their karmic retribution. I hope they both rot in prison.

This poor guy. I can't imagine what he went though as a kid, and what he's going through now as an adult. I am amazed at how well-spoken and together he is. I would be a quivering ball of anger and sadness. Sometimes, the strength of humans really amazes me.

As I've edged into my late thirties, I've noticed that most of this is true. I never really notice how much I've aged unless I look at pictures of my younger self. Most of my friends and my relatives in my age group seem about the same to me. The only thing that really bothers me is some sun damage on my chest, but

Just FYI - it is absolutely impossible to test positive on a drug test from passive inhalation (being in the same room with marijuana smoke). One of my closest friends works with juvenile delinquents, and when they are released from her program they have to submit to drug tests every so often for a set amount of time.

Important Question - are the Pop Tarts toasted and warm? If so, I can see how this would be a delicious melty, almost pie a'la mode like concoction. If not, this would simply be sweet chemically goo. Big difference between toasted and untoasted Pop Tarts.

Oh my god I thought I was the only one. I went a month once, and noticed absolutely ZERO difference in how I felt. All these people were like, "Oh you'll have so much energy, you'll feel so much better, you might even lose weight!" Yeah, none of that happened for me. I'm starting to the the whole diet soda is bad for

Then despite your sarcastic and trollish response, you should know that you are not in the group of 50-year-olds I am talking about.

When I was dating, I refused to go on dates with men who's desired age range for partners did not include their own age. It was right up there with "no fatties," "no black chicks," and "Libertarian" in terms of massive, immediate, deal breakers.

They are what my husband and I refer to as "Self loathing fatties."

This post is great. One thing about the travel, though - trust me not everyone wants or likes to travel. I used to assume so as well, until I went on a date with a dude who expressed horror that I had lived in China, shock that I went to New Orleans for vacation, and basically told me that he is uncomfortable going

There's also some good advice from Shootingfan upthread. He says, "I am looking at all... and I want a warm, intelligent, religiously-compatible, family-oriented woman. Those features were deal breakers. Their past life, size, and current profession were not."

Hmm... yeah I see your point. Seriously, if someone doesn't like or particularly want kids, dating someone with kids is a bad idea. I guess as a divorced kid who has been through two stepmoms and a stepdad through the years, it's a little more "normal" for me, so I was more open to it. Also, I want kids eventually

Man, I TOTALLY understand where you are coming from. I actually met my husband on OK Cupid when he happened to live in a smaller city about two hours away from me. We had a long distance relationship and I ended up moving to him so that we could get married. We have a few single male friends in exactly your situation

Well, are you trying to date women twenty or thirty years younger than you?

That was I how I saw it, too! :) Like, thanks for saving me the effort, dude.