
Yes, I definitely second the suggestion of keeping the "deal breaker" list short. Same with the "must have" list. It makes you come across as overly critical and judgmental. I had to learn this the hard way a few years ago. My original profile was very aggressive and had a laundry list of "deal breakers." I got very

I will say maybe open yourself up to someone who has a kid already. Once you're in your thirties, it's a bit more difficult to be finicky about this. When I was still dating, I would date guys with kids, but my rule was this: no more than two kids, no more than 1 baby mama, no one with kids too old to be my own

I felt so bad for her when she came back and they showed how hard it was for her to make it in regular society. She is so institutionalized and it just broke my heart. That actress is amazing. EVERYONE on this show needs an Emmy, posthaste!

It was a great show. I sometimes catch syndicated reruns on E or one of those channels when I'm home on my lunch break. The first time I sat and watched an episode, I remember being shocked back into remembering how good the show was and realizing that it's ok to like the show. It's just the movies that were

The hubby and I went for a week in May and had a blast! I recommend staying in the French Quarter. It's walking distance to lots of tourist things (Jackson Square, eating, bars, antique and art shopping, etc), it's safe, and it is easy to get a taxi there to take you other places in the city. We actually stayed at the

Yes, OitNB has been renewed for a second season! Rejoice!

This... is not exactly a group I care to be associated with. Also, how long before Faux News uses this to their advantage: "Pro-choicers are satanists!! More at 11!" Blerg.

GAH! That's even worse. Jeeze.


Ok, I haven't read this whole thread yet, I just got to the part where you told us that he took a job in another city, and the plan is for you to move with him, and you are unsure. As someone who moved to a new city when it looked like things were getting serious with my (now) husband, I will tell you one thing, with

This is why I don't feel that bad about being an asshole on Facebook when people start getting all Jesus-y pray-y on my feed. I generally really don't bring up my lack of religion or the religion of anyone else, but when you start throwing that shit in my face on a daily basis, yeah, I'm gonna post equally dickish

Right on for doing the work you do. My father is a career cop (he's now with a state agency overseeing investigators), and most people never understand what a difficult, demanding, and rewarding job it is. Just keep trying to make a difference. If it sinks in for just one person, you've done a huge thing.

SO stinkin' cute! Red hair runs in my husband's family and I am hoping against hope that our future offspring get the red hair gene. I know it's unlikely, but there's a chance and I'm gunning for it!

Yes. I have many head->desk moments every day.

"Teenage Girls, Some Free Advice: If your dipshit boyfriend treats you shitty and doesn't love you, having a baby won't help. Just dump him and go to fucking college."

Awesome gif.

I see this pretty much the same way gay characters were portrayed 15-20 years ago, like their entire being was defined by being gay. It took media and entertainment a few years to come around, but now there are multifaceted, human, gay characters all over the place. Sophia is a great step in the right direction for

I see a lot of myself in her, too. When people are commenting saying they can't stand Piper because she's privileged and annoying, I'm like hiding my face in shame. I'm pretty sure I would be equally scared and ignorant if (god forbid) I ever went to prison. I really like how earnest she is about all the things she'll

Love Taystee! The actress is so awesome.

My husband is a defense attorney and every time we watch the show he's like, "WOW those are some HOT convicts!" It's the only aspect of the show that takes me out of it a bit. I realize actors in general tend to be more attractive than the general public, and the show does a pretty good job of roughing them up with