
come onnn gurrrlll why you gotta be such a hateerrrr!??/!!11? Lol!

This whole men-can-be-ultra-casual-but-women-better-doll-up thing drives me CRAZY. I don't blame you for dumping him. You guys had a whole day-long date planned after meeting at a wedding, and he showed up all slobbed out. I mean, come ON. A tiny, eensy modicum of effort is all I ask.

Yes to both of these!

I feel similarly about men who are better groomed/more well dressed than me. Like, if you spend more time and money on your looks than I do, you'll get super frustrated with my slovenly ways eventually and we are not a match.

We knew each other because the ven diagram of our respective social circles intersected but slightly. We'd flirt at parties while drunk, kiss maybe, but it never really came to anything. One night, though, he finally managed, "Wanna come back to my place?" So I accepted.


Yes, it is absolutely intentional.

Thanks for this review. Sometimes, especially when Melissa McCarthy is in something, I feel like I HAVE TO see the movie in the theater, when in reality there are few movies I truly want to make the effort to see in the theater.

I think this is a fairly common tactic among good parents. My SIL, who is a great mom, did something similar recently. We were at a restaurant and waiting for a table (never a good idea with two toddlers, but oh well they wanted to do it). While we were outside waiting for our buzzer to go off, her 4-year-old hauled


FUCK YES! I love this so much!

The valedictorian of my high school graduated with a 5.2 on a 4.0 scale. Which put me and my 3.7 in the third quarter of my class. It sucked.


Same here! I had a 3.75 and they offered me the provisional summer status. I declined, assuming that there could be few things in life more hellish than spending the summer taking weed-out classes from professors who didn't think I deserved to be graced by the holy presence of their grad assists. So I went to a

I'm right there with you. Screw this entitled little piss ant brat. And have you heard her interviews? She even SOUNDS dumb. She has this sort of plodding, slow cadence to her voice that just come across as not very bright.

I see your point, but she already was a legacy. Part of her zeal to attend UT came from the fact that both of her parents graduated from there.

This is all highly intentional. The intention being to create an underclass of servants and soldiers to do the menial sub-minimum wage labor and fight the wars. I am convinced of this. It is horrifying.

Do you follow her on Facebook? It's delightfully batty. You can tell she posts herself and doesn't use an assistant.

I love her, too. It's hard for me to get my panties in a wad over this because I've been part of the fandom for so long and she has always said batshit insane things from time to time. Remember the response she gave when people panned the Jesus books on Amazon? It was EPIC.

She blessed her heart.