
She also managed to squash all the fun and harmless role playing forums, driving them underground to become really fucked up dungeons of role playing. The history of The Looking Glass, Darklings Gather, and Masquerade are fascinating. I don't think that kind of think happens on the net anymore. It's gotten too

I live in Texas as well, and I really want to know if my OB/GYN is pro-choice or not. I'm afraid to ask, though, because I don't want to be given poor medical care because of it. If I were in a bigger city, I wouldn't have any qualms, but I am now in a small town, and there aren't many providers here in the first

Yes. I was born in Abilene, lived for ten years in Lubbock, but I never felt like I lived "in the South" until I moved to Austin, and then south Texas. Texas really could be divided up into three or four different states, easily.

Yes, it is extremely easy to return items purchased off a wedding registry. Also, there is less awkwardness involved than when returning regular gifts because let's say someone gets you a $10 spatula set with a $10 dish towel set and bundles them up and gives it as a wedding present. If you return the items, it's not

These guys screwed up. My Southern wedding maven in-laws told me make sure I had plenty of under $20 items on my registry. That way, people who couldn't afford something expensive but wanted to give a gift could get something and not feel pressured, but then we could gather up big groups of the lower priced items and

We got some cash, but it was given discretely, mostly through our parents, and not at the wedding. The whole envelope full of cash thing from Goodfellas I think is a Hollywood conceit.

Yeah, no. I work with people who fall at or below the poverty line. They shockingly are somehow able to keep their children from falling out windows.

Ugh, I know. I'm like, "I've defended you for the last time DEEN!"

Yeah. My family did, too, waaaay back when. I think it's awful but I can't feel "devastated" or guilty about something I didn't do.

I agree. I said to my husband last night as we watched Sally smoke a cigarette with her mother (!), "That little girl is going to do great things."

Yeah, so much for "small government," huh? Fucker.


He is fucking insane I can not for the life of me figure out how he keeps getting voted in over and over and over and over again. I'm from and live in Texas, and even my Republican right wing friends and family (sigh. it's hard.) can't stand the guy. It's weird. I'm almost starting to think there is some sort of

Yeah, but how tall are you? I've found that when stuff looks really short on a model it will hit right about below my knee on 5'4 me.

Yes! Just because I am fat does not also mean I am seven feet tall. WTF, plus size clothing designers?? Have they never seen a short fat person before?

Thanks for that. What a cunt punter that troll is.

Same here. I've stopped trying to get stuff from them because I've tried a couple of times and was burned both times. The first time, the shirt was HUUUGE. Like, at least 2-3 sizes larger than labeled. The next time, I ordered a different shirt and couldn't even get it over my head. That's waaayyy too unpredictable

Shit, when I lived in Japan I was a 5'3 135 lb teenager, and I couldn't shop there. Those close were TINY, yo! This was also pre-internet so I couldn't even have stuff shipped over. I had to do all my shopping in huge days-long shop-a-thons when I was in the States or Hong Kong.

Yeah, I was ready to go into a long rant about how people who use Adderall for "fun" because it's "less expensive than cocaine" (FUCKING SERIOUSLY?!) make that much harder for those of us who really need it. Like, a fucking doctor's office co-pay every freaking month just to get a new scrip. Followed by side-eye and

And yet! SOMEHOW she manages to stay out of the tabloids and most of us know next to nothing about her personal life. One might begin to think that the celebs and the paps are in cahoots! I wonder...