Adderall isn't "fun" for those of us with real ADD. It just allows us to function like normal humans.
Adderall isn't "fun" for those of us with real ADD. It just allows us to function like normal humans.
I'm right there with ya. Ready to call the doc and ask for Belviq. Moronically.
Scary! My current GP was pretty appalled when I told him I'd been on Phentermine before. At the time, I really wasn't aware of the risks and there were all these weight loss clinics popping up all over town. Basically, they were run by shady docs who wanted to make a quick buck and they were just dolling out…
Ugh, I've heard that from lots of people. But whenever I've done that in the past, I go nuts. Like, seriously forget how to get to my house and get lost in a neighborhood I've lived in for ten years kind of nuts. Or, forget the name of my best friend. Or forget what day it is. I really think my brain needs carbs of…
I'm on Adderall for my ADD and it hasn't really affected my appetite much. :( I was hoping it would. I have much less anxiety, I do much better work, and I really don't procrastinate much at all anymore, but the appetite suppressant qualities just aren't there for me. Maybe I used Phentermine too long and I'm…
Honest to God, I wish I could figure out how to feel like I felt when Phentermine was still working for me ALL THE TIME. On Phentermine, it was like, I finally got how skinny people must feel about food - eat what sounds good, stop when full, only eat when hungry, etc. The sucky part is that Phentermine stops working…
God I loved that look. So cute! So comfy! No one in the 90's was getting bone spurs from platform heels because we were all tromping around in clod hoppers. God I miss it.
I just got a cold chill thinking of Livejoural. Oh shit. Oh god. Shit shit shit.
It was awful! Luckily, it didn't last that long.
Yeah, half a pack was my denial number. It was the number I told people who were grilling me about my smoking. It was what I told myself when trying to justify and feel better about my smoking. "Oh, me? Just half a pack a day."
I couldn't read a full novel for a few months after I quit because reading and smoking were so linked for me. I used to sit out on my patio and read and smoke for hours.
The Facebook link to this post has the quote above it, "Some helpful tips for your next vacation to Turkey/Egypt/North Korea/Texas.."
Oh I love getting carded. It especially sticks in the craw of my mother and aunt when we are all out together and I get carded! Sometimes, a flirty waiter will ask to see theirs, too. :) If I got denied for not having my ID on me, I'd be ecstatic!
The worst sun burn I ever had was in New Zealand. WITH sunblock! I've always been diligent about shade, hats, and sunscreen, but if I ever end up with skin cancer, I'm blaming your Kiwi sun. (It was, however, the best vacay of my life so it will kind of be worth it. You are so lucky to live there!)
Eh, she'll get hers. My dad and stepmom used to make fun of me mercilessly because I insisted on high SPF sunscreen and hats and shaded areas when we were doing outdoor activities. "You'll look thinner with a little color!" "You're so pale! Don't you want to be tan like us??" "Hey Casper, come help unload this…
Be sure you are exfoliating a few times a week as well. My aesthetician friend once pointed out that you know how women often end up with very wrinkly necks while men don't? It's because men shave their neck bears thereby exfoliating their skin. If you exfoliate it won't be as bad.
Exercising with a hangover just sounds... bleerggg awful to me.
I saw Christian Bale interviewed and he readily admitted that he is a freak of nature. He said his body has always responded extremely quickly to any attempt to lose or gain fat or muscle. He also said what he did was extremely unhealthy and for no one to attempt it. Apparently, it was very difficult physically.
Ok. I've been fat all my life, basically. I've come to accept it, too. However, I do think I dress fairly well and get complements on my clothes. That being said, please stop shopping in the Target plus size department. Not only is the selection miserable, the clothes are poorly cut so they don't fit properly and they…
Why? Because they are insane little lick monsters. That's why.