
Oh yes, it has definitely become a class thing. My sister has more than once lectured me about the evils of my daily Diet Coke while guzzling her daily Starbucks sweetened with aspartame. I mean, seriously. What is the difference really, other than price?

Just thinking about Grape Nuts I can taste them. Also, that ad kind of made my shamed self think, "Hmm... maybe I should try those again..."

Right. See my response to BobLaw. The issue is that these sex offender laws are being applied to people when they shouldn't be. Everyone can agree that the case I described was an inappropriate relationship. The guy who is now a registered sex offender also agrees that it was inappropriate and he was right to be fired

See my response to BobLaw. We all agree the relationship was inappropriate. It's about the punishment not fitting the crime.

I agree that the relationship was inappropriate. I don't think anyone would disagree. But inappropriate to the point that his life deserved to be ruined? Inappropriate to the point that he'll be treated like an uncontrollable pedophile? That's my issue here. The punishment doesn't fit the crime.

This happened to someone I know, years ago. He was a 19-year-old camp counselor and one night a 15-year-old camper came onto him in his tent. They had consensual sex, but after the camp was over, the 15-year-old had one of those gay Christian "Oh my god how is this my life I am freaking out" moments and told his

So awesome. I love how the pie thrower stares at her as he licks his fingers. Epic LOL.

Yeah, the friend who gives the too-nice presents is a nice problem to have. A happy problem. You know, like those people who complain about how they don't know whether to choose from Harvard or Yale for undergrad.

Yeah, I commented to someone else up thread, but this is my fave weekend activity. I especially like to plan a complicated cooking project, get it to the point where it's just cooking away on its own, then get high. That way, once the munchies set in, I've got dinner simmering away and I get to enjoy my meal. It's fun.

Yes, this! I love to start cooking a meal, then while things are simmering away doing their thing, take a couple of hits and watch some funny TV. Then, when I'm good and high and the munchies are setting in, I finish up dinner and eat what I had planned anyway. AND THE FOOD TASTES SOOOO GOOD.

Thank you. My husband is a defense attorney, and he gets a lot of court-appointed cases. Most of his court appointed clients are, in fact, guilty-as-sin scum bags, but that doesn't stop my husband from defending them to the best of his ability. He won't talk smack about them while he is their attorney, either. It's

I am pretty sure the this one is my neighbor:… He's actually not a business guy. He's the head of the Parks and Rec department in my little down. (No, I'm not kidding.) He is also a confirmed bachelor (we can't figure out if gay or player), a gad-about-town, and if

You don't. She is an adult with free agency. You don't get a say in how she lives her life.

This reminds me of my sister. (Half sister, same father different mothers.) I love her, I know she loves me, but she is no neurotic and controlling when it comes to food that it is hard for me to be around her anymore. She is an exceedingly thin, vegetarian Yoga instructor, and she has battled anorexia in the past. It

Me too! They seem so happy and loving. It's so refreshing after all the Real Housewifes of Whatever screaming and being so hateful. I imagine that Mama June would be pretty fun IRL.

I don't get it, either!

Those rings may be tack to some people, but I'd throw someone over for that emerald.

I always ask! Every time. Even if I'm staying at my mom's. "Do you want me to strip the bed or make it?"

I'm using that the next time I want to be bratty to my husband.

I love stories about eccentric royal eccentricities. Don't we all?