
I don't have as much trouble with someone like Mariah Carey who has a gagillion billion dollars doing this as I do some spoiled brat forcing her parents to mortgage their house so that she can have "HER DAY." For Mariah, this was probably chump change, and think of all the people and services who benefited financially.

Aw, thanks! You're sweet. :)

Doesn't it suck? I haven't had a meaningful conversation with my sister-in-law (who's company I truly enjoy and miss) in over two years because she has two toddlers and is constantly chasing them. Sometimes I just want to lock the kids up in a kennel, like you do with dogs when they are being obnoxious.

Honestly, and I know this sucks, but you gotta ride it out. I didn't see one of my oldest friends very much at all for a couple years because the guy she was dating was such a douche. (Like, punching walls because she went somewhere without him kind of douche.) She wasn't going to end the relationship until she was

Thank you and congrats on your pregnancy! It was super awful, my doctors office did NOTHING to prepare me for what it was going to be like, I ended up in the ER, and ugh, it was horrible. My husband was there with me, and he was great and I love him more than anyone, but it would have been really awesome to have a

Not really. We are in a VERY red county in a very red state. I looked into joining the local Democrat meet up group, but it is also highly insular and I felt very out of place at the meeting I went to. No one talked to me really and they generally just acted like it was really weird that I was there. I volunteered at

Ugh, god this is relevant to my life. You just don't even know.

-nods- Someone I know described as this - "You know that feeling when you're a kid and you go swimming and when you get out of the water you're cold, so your mom comes over with a big warm towel and wraps you up in it? Yeah. It feels like that."

Oh my god I was going to post about this phenomenon. We had one of those. She was constantly on a diet, and constantly talking about the diet and how much she missed carbs. She would give us detailed analyses of her daily intake of, basically, meat and nothing else. Then she'd show up in the office with a giant box of

Yes, I feel this way, too. I work in a large office in a State agency and every damn time I turn around they are wanting us to "pitch in" for one thing or another. We are STATE WORKERS who make VERY LITTLE money and it completely gets on my nerves. Especially when it's money for so-and-so's ancient state worker

Yeah... I posted that, then went to their website and... was sort of bummed. Also, I am still trying to find a plus size bikini with a high-waist brief and longer top, like the one Gabby Fresh wore in that famous blog post.

I didn't even know H&M carried plus sizes. This is positive news!

That is one handsome kitty, I must say. How much 'tude does that guy have?

Yes! And these snakes are an invasive species that is becoming a huge problem in Florida. Even here in south Texas, someone found a giant snake in a culvert. Invasive species cause all kinds of problems, and if too many of these cats get loose, it's going to be really bad.

I don't know what happened to the rest of my comment, but anyway, I remembered the Jez bikini story and applied it to my arms. Now I have a shirt I love and I'm not afraid to wear it. It's awesome.

I hate my arms. HATE. THEM. I feel like they look like hams. Giant, fat, gross hams. For years and years I have refused to wear sleeveless anything. But I went shopping and I found this top

Thank you! It's been really hard, and our other doxie misses him so much. :(

I posted this somewhere else in this thread, but I am really concerned about these cats getting abandoned and/or escaping then breeding with other feral cats and adding to the feral cat problem we already have. Can you imagine if suddenly there weren't just all these feral cats running around, but feral cats with wild

this cat just seems either constantly depressed or determined to escape.

This makes me so freaking mad. After losing my beloved dachshund (at age eight!) recently due to degenerative disk disease, and finding out that disease is really common in poorly bred doxies, I am really getting to the point where I don't think you should be allowed to breed animals unless you have animal husbandry