
Because people are fucking stupid and get these cats thinking they are a cool accessory to have around and will behave like a normal cat. I can't handle it. It makes me so angry.

Yes! Or, she is like a lot of my friends and lives in a large city with a long commute and the last thing she has time for in the evening is spending over an hour in the kitchen.

I know exactly what you mean. I am sure that people who judge my diet just by looking at me assume I eat nothing but crap and fast food. But no, I cook every single night, and I cook from scratch. I just really like food.

Yes, the notion that they don't already know where vegetables come from just because they are poor and from the inner city is highly offensive. Case in point: my wealthy suburban-dwelling SUV driving uncle-in-law yesterday picked up a snap pea from a raw veggie tray and said, "What is this thing? It's strange and

Word of warning, I think they've already started phasing them out, at least in the plus sizes. After posting this yesterday I went to go buy a pair, and they are all sold out in my size and the sizes they do have are very sporadic. The jeans they are phasing in in their place have about 15% less cotton, more

There was a time from about 1989-1994 when the mere thought of shopping for and/or wearing jeans filled me with dread. They were all SO uncomfortable!

That sounds awesome and very Romy and Michelle.

I went to an International School in a small Southeast Asian country. My high school experience was already weird enough. No way in HELL was I missing prom or doing anything other than doing up all Texan and big and shit. We didn't even get homecoming. We don't have reunions. (How could we, everyone was from

Jez, thanks for continuing to cover this story. After all the "FREE PUSSY RIOT" noise died down, it all but vanished from most media. I'm glad she is still alive, and I hope they let her out soon.

As a general rule, the more super famous people there are in a movie the worse the movie. Look at Move 43 from earlier this year. There seems to be one of these schlock bombs every year or so. I don't get how they sign all these people up. Does the script start out good and get butchered in production? Do they owe

Levi's used to do custom jeans back in the late 90's early 00's. They were expensive, though, around $120 a pair, which is why I never did it and why they stopped making them. I heard tell they were tres amazing, though.

"A giant sausage" YES. This is EXACTLY what I feel like in high waist jeans. I have a pair of regular waist (which on me is pretty high rise) straight cut jeans from Lame Giant, and my husband lurrrves them and I will admit that they look pretty good, especially with Spanx, but god dang do I ever feel like a sausage

Yeah, I never got why everyone just looooved jeans and went on and on about how comfortable they are until the low rise trend started when I was late high school/early college. Up until that point, jeans always had awkward high waist-lines and did weird things to my silhouette.

There aren't many left. Old Navy's boot cut jeans online (I think they might only be sold online) are still around, but a lot of people hate ON. I am also going to start hoarding them like it's a jean apocalypse.

I WISH I could shop at Goodwill. I am short and plus sized, and we plus gals tend to wear our clothes (especially jeans) down to bear threads so it's really hard to find plus sizes in thrift stores. I'm going to have to start trolling eBay and Amazon for overstock and gently used plus size low rise boot cut jeans. :/

I am right there with you. Old Navy was carrying our jeans as of a couple of months ago, but I'm not sure if they still are. Will go check. BRB.

Am I the only one who finds high waisted jeans insanely uncomfortable? I am short-waisted and I HATE them. They always bunch up in weird places, cut into my skin, and roll down when I sit. They are awful. The worst. I miss the days when you could find low-cut (NOT super low, just regular low) boot cut jeans

I used to work with a woman who was from Alaska and had a high pitched nasally Sara Palin-esque accent and it drove me up the fucking wall. I could not deal with her or her accent. I realize I was judging her on something incredibly superficial but I could not get past it, no matter how hard I tried.

I wonder the same thing. It seems like she feels that life without any kind of faith means a rudderless, immoral existence when in fact it can be quite the opposite. It seems like she sort of glommed onto Islam because she made some Muslim friends and they are nice to her and smart and pretty cool and she wants to be

Right? I've been a Muslim for a month and a half! Take me seriously! Wah! Shoot, my family STILL won't take my atheism seriously and I'm 35 years old and it's been years and years and years. She really needs to buck up 'cause she's in for a looong ride.