
That's what I was trying to figure out. Why does the writer have to have an organized religion to belong to? Why does living without an organized religion mean her life was "hedonistic and selfish and disorganized?" I don't understand why she had to shoe-horn her way into Islam before she really worked out her own

Don't forget "I dunno." As in "I dunno why I'm such a tool. I'm just sayin."

Yes, thanks for posting this. My grandmother had a closet full of dresses like this, but she sewed them all herself. Store bought close were for special occasions only, and they purchased maybe one outfit per YEAR. It used to be a lot cheaper to sew your own clothes. Now days, with globalization and outsourcing, not

And she damn well better!

Yeah, I'm kind of there with you. She seems like she'd probably be pretty fun to hang with for an evening. She probably has really good taste in booze.

I think the writer and his wife are going to keep subtly coming onto her until she gives in. I see an affair in Megan's future, which I kind of hope happens since Don is being such a giant douche.

Oh my god, yes. I am so glad I'm not the only one.

That was my immediate reaction as well. Like, wait... WHAT?? Also, she needs you know you can also get a DUI in a parked car and that ignorance of the law is no defense.

That's how I have always seem him - as a schlock peddler, completely divorced from the race issue. His movies are SO bad, SO egregiously bad, and yet every time one comes out, people flock to see them and they make millions of dollars. He knows what will draw in money so that's what he does. It's really gross, but I

Yep. Even on NPR, "Muslim" keeps getting repeated over and over and over again. I am really nervous about some of the anti-Muslim sentiment that is about to ratchet up.

Yeah, people like these never seem to get their karmic pay-back. They tend to do pretty well in life. I have a couple of cousins like this, and it is incredibly frustrating.

I want that red one. Unfortunately, it probably comes in like three sizes, all of which might fit around my pinky finger.


Yes! Perfect! BINGO and you win the internet for best comment of forever.

Fuck that guy!

The spam bots I found particularly irritating. They interrupted the flow of scanning the comments and for me disrupted the flow of conversation, especially when people were saying interesting things.

The spam bots I found particularly irritating. They interrupted the flow of scanning the comments and for me disrupted the flow of conversation, especially when people were saying interesting things.

Put the word "literally" into everything on that Ian Somerhalder list, and it literally sounds like a list of Rob Lowe Parks & Rec jokes.

I was obsessed with that show until I moved in with my husband. He can't deal with it, so I don't really get to watch it anymore. But when he's out of town for work I catch up on that shit in a marathon. There's nothing for the psyche quite like a marathon of Intervention. Does it make me a bad person that these

LOL! Jez made The Onion! Y'all are officially famous now. :)