
Yeah, I live in Texas and hear this argument every time this conversation comes up. My great-great-great grandfather moved from Tennessee to Texas after his plantation burned down and he lost all his property. I would never, ever in a million fucking years fly or wear the Confederate flag. As someone who could, if I

That's why I love it, too! Every other show and every other movie (including the really good ones) think they have to blast telegraph every. little. thing. I love that Mad Men lets it happen artfully and subtly. I love that the writers and actors have this "If you catch it, you catch it" attitude and don't try to talk

I always wonder what people like this would do if their partner suddenly came down with some sort of health issue that changed their appearance and/or caused them to gain weight. I've seen so many people who were previously thin, fit, etc, who got pregnant and it changed their body and they were never able to get very

She is a fucking loser and you deserve better. Also, some one else said it better, but you need to take some time to grieve. -big hugs-

This is why I kind of view my fat as a defense mechanism. It weeds these types of fuckers out of my life. I know some people get all excited when they lose weight because they become more accepted by more people. But you know what? I don't want to be accepted by those people. I don't want them in my life. I know they

But don't you think we should be able to separate the artist from the art? Woody Allen's questionable life choices don't make me enjoy Annie Hall any less. Lots of brilliant artists have had some fairly insane political or religious ideas.

I think you have to be in some pretty intensely deep denial and/or totally detached from your body to not know.

They are repressed. Repressed to a degree that I think is hard for those of us raised in the later 20th century to understand. I think that both of their conflicts with this issue are dealt with very subtly through acting choices. It is very important to watch this show intently, with no distractions. A lot gets

Ok, I get it, but when I was about five or so I got into a fight with a neighborhood kid and called him that word. He wasn't even black, I didn't even know what it meant, just that I heard it about five times a day from my father and I thought it meant, like, stupid or something. Anyway, my grandmother heard me,

Now I need to watch that movie again. I love it and it's on my top 20 list.

HA! I used to troll his site, reading nothing but the bad reviews. For some reason, they always made me feel good and laugh. I will miss him so much.

If you go out in a swimsuit, I will too. :) -hugs- We all deserve to swim.

Ah, yes. Then that would be the least fashionable, most matronly offering from the Land's End catalog. I try to look fairly cute in normal life, but when it comes to swim wear, yargle. If I could wear shorts and tshirt and just run around with them dripping wet, I would. I am also not opposed to those swim dresses you

This seems like straight-up neglect to me, and someone needs to look into the situation at home.

I have never worn a bikini. Never ever. Not when I was a tiny kind. Not when I was a teenager. I have never had the confidence. After that Gabbi Fresh photo shoot last year, I came thisclose to buying a high-waisted big girl bikini, but chickened out right before I hit "submit order."

I knew a family who moved to Louisiana and experienced the same thing. All the white kids went to private schools and all the black kids went to public (and underfunded and failing) public schools. They were so frustrated by the situation because while they didn't want to participate in the bullshit racist nonsense,

I don't understand why you'd use a tanning bed anyway. Doesn't the spray stuff do basically the same thing without the cancer risk? I'm not a tanner, though, and have never really understood it.

I'm right there with you. My dad and step mom used to tease me mercilessly for insisting on high SPF, hats, sun glasses, and somewhere shady to escape to when we did outdoor activities in the summer. Now they're the ones getting random skin cancers cut off every other year or so and aging faster than they would like.

Ok, that makes sense. I kind of understand the frustration of the organizers, though. I used to work for a nonprofit, and we would organize meetings with food because if you didn't have food people wouldn't come to the meeting. A couple of times people didn't eat and it was irritating because we had spent funds on

Seriously? That is so weird. At my work, if there is food on offer, you'd think we had all been starving to death in the wilds with little to eat but berries and roots we foraged for ourselves. The people I work with act like starving hyenas whenever food is presented at a meeting.