
But didn't his mother kind of defend him with some sort of weak-ass "boys will be boys" response every time she spoke with the media? I remember when he was murdered in prison, she was basically like, "Fine. Are you all happy now?" That doesn't strike me as totally normal.

This is hilarious because I have used the "tsk tsk" noise on my dog so effectively that one day I unconsciously used it on my nephew. My sister-in-law was not amused. But hey! Now I can point to someone else who has success with Cesar's tricks on humans!

So glad I wasn't the only one who had this thought!

Maybe she is also a douchenozzle. It is a possibility.

Try moving to a different location in your mid 30's. That shit is brutal. I have my husband and we have family here, but it's not the same as friends you can call up and hang out with. Everyone in my age group has kids, too, so even people I've met that I would like to be friends with and would like to be friends with

I'm an eligibility worker in Texas. You already have to meet attendance requirements in order to receive TANF. Not performance, though. I can't even imagine how you would implement this.

Yes, exactly. If a normal person has a "fuck you" attitude and is all "Whatever I do what I waaaannnt!" they end up on the streets, which is decidedly unsexy. When a trust fund kid does it, people eat up their "sexy" and "fuck you" lifestyle. That said, for some reason I can't stop reading her column or clicking on

How does she keep up this lifestyle without a trust fund? You can't tell me that an XO Jane column has been enough to keep her own apartment in NYC, utilities in NYC, food (not that she eats much, but she has to consume something to stay alive) in NYC, PLUS all the partying and drugs in NYC. This is not an inexpensive

I will forever and always associate Tiffany and Debbi Gibson with my grandmother's funeral because that's what I listened on the car ride there so I'm voting for cocaine even though it makes me barf. Like seriously, I've only done it three times and each time spewed chunks violently. I do not understand the appeal.


Your mom did an amazing thing for you. That is how I want to be with my kids!

I told my mother that when/if I have kids, she is not allowed to talk about any of the following around said kids: how fat she is, how fat other people are, who lost weight, what diet/diets she has tried, who is on what diet, what diet is best, and how fattening whatever we are eating happens to be. She is not

Oh my god did this ever hit home. In the long litany of fucked-up shit that happened because of my life long chubbiness, one thing that really stands out what this thing my mom did. We would be out in public at the mall or whatever. She would stop the absolute largest woman there, point at her, and whisper "Amy, am I

Lol, I know. I think if you smoke tons of cheap ass dirt weed every single day for, like, hours at a time your place will stink. A couple of hits every now and then from nice high quality hydro? No way you get the stench.

They should all be forced to spend a month in North Korea.

Me too. That, and I realized I think there's a pretty good chance it's all hoakum, anyway.

Yep, there are totally people I will never ever "come out" to as an atheist.

It's always tempting for me to tell those people to go right ahead, then.

You can go ahead and pile this onto the veritable mountain of inconsistencies in modern evangelical Christian philosophy.

"It gave me the impression that Christians desired to be persecuted, because then you could live and die for your beliefs like a true martyr."