Thankfully, yes. Most of the blue-hairs were mighty pissed, though. "Don't you dare take away our martyr complex!" Luckily, there are more young and young-ish people like my husband and I to balance them out.
Thankfully, yes. Most of the blue-hairs were mighty pissed, though. "Don't you dare take away our martyr complex!" Luckily, there are more young and young-ish people like my husband and I to balance them out.
Holy god that's terrifying.
Isn't this considered high risk? I don't understand how they didn't know how big the baby was, either, unless she had only minimal prenatal care.
I went to church one Sunday (this is rare, I am an atheist, but sometimes I miss the music so sue me) and I nearly stood up and clapped when the pastor said, "If you are a Christian in the United States of America in the year 2013, you are not being persecuted. If you would like to help Christians who truly are being…
Before I got married, I lived with roommates and our favorite thing was to let DWTS pile up on the DVR, go out and buy those giant bottles of Woodbridge Chardonnay and get smashed while living and loving the dance. It was awesome. My husband can't tolerate DWTS so that's one thing I miss about single life.
Five swims! -holds up three fingers-
I doubt it. I used to work with people with intellectual disabilities, and he doesn't strike me that way. More like, he's just on the low end of average intelligence. There are millions of people who fall below average but above an official intellectual disability diagnosis. Most of them can't swim a million miles a…
Did you see the SNL spoof of Lochte? It was HI-larious.
Ugh, bridal showers. Why are they always at inconvenient times on the weekend when you'd rather be sleeping in or lounging in your pajamas?
Of course! Because Lord knows canary yellow is my go-to color for all formal events.
I recently went to the fifth (!) wedding of a 45-year-old woman. You would think this would be a very low-key affair, no? Guess again. We had the full on poofy white dress (that I am pretty sure was picked out by her 15-year-old daughter at a quincenera shop), the showers, the engagement parties, the bachelorette, the…
Do what you want. Seriously. I got married about a year ago, and we kept the cost significantly low and still had a great event with great food, music, booze, the whole nine yards. People think they have to have the big extravagant blow-out in the Four Seasons ballroom, and honestly, if you think outside the box even…
Yes, it was horseshit. But to be fair, she really is a truly lovely person who always means well. She was just raised very privileged and sometimes had to be reminded we all didn't have the same advantages. This was a while ago (I'm old) and she is A LOT better now.
If the money isn't there, it isn't there. That's a pretty simple reason to bow out.
I would talk to the bride and politely decline. She should understand. I once had to bow out of being a bridesmaid entirely because the bride chose $700 Vera Wang dresses, $200 shoes, an expensive hotel for the wedding night, etc, etc. This was when I was just out of college and making a pittance as a temp secretary.…
I have a general rule in my life - I refuse to do "destination" anything. Weddings, bachelor/ette parties, anniversaries that are not my own, birthdays, what-have-you. If it's not within driving distance and I have to take more than one of my preciously hoarded vacation days, I will send a gift and a polite decline.…
My bachelorette was just like any normal night with my friends - we drank wine, played Scrabble, and had a general fun time.
Yeah, I saw that onsie thing. I don't get it. I thought maybe it was some kind of hipster thing? I don't know. I just ignored it.
I went ahead and ordered a cute t-shirt to try them out. If it works out, I'll order more stuff. Their things are really cute!
I don't know... I cook most of our meals from scratch, and we generally try to stick with whole foods, but I like to cook. I enjoy it. I think it's fun to find new recipes and plan our weekly menu. It relaxes me after work. I have a sense of accomplishment in getting a nice meal on the table.