
Ugh, god. It's so depressing. What I want to know is WHY THE FUCK can I not get a basic knit top that could be worn to work on casual Friday or on the weekend that does NOT have idiotic words like "PARIS LOVE" or picture of cats or, worst of all, sparkly grommet shit? Why do they ruin perfectly nice tops with sparkly

Yep. They're right out in front of La Zona Rosa.

This is true. Around the time of the last election, I overheard one of the women in my office talking about how "It's just not Christian" to vote for Obama, "it's just not." Now, she is a small-minded idiot, and did not explain her justifications. I just know that she's not the only person floating around who feels

Ha! I have a story I once wrote about this dystopian society where one of the details is that celebrities and other rich people have figured out a way to diet themselves into invisibility. Like, they just simmer slightly when they move, but clothes hang on them and you can't really see them. Anyway, one of the ways

Yep. This is why I don't lend money to anyone. If I can afford to help, I gift what I can. If I can't, I try to help in some other way. It avoids so much drama and resentment down the road.

Right? I had a friend who was raped in middle school and her life was a living hell until she got out of the hell hole we were raised in.

You're welcome. My father has imbued me with a varied and colorful vocabulary of insults and curse words.

Good for her. I hope she's able to get the hell out of that shitkicker hell hole of a town, go somewhere awesome for college, and do amazing things with her life. I hope the fuckheads who raped her and all the shitheels who apologized for her rapists have to hear about her fabulous life and eat the heaps of shit they

Many families who fall below or near the poverty line have one adult stay home simply due to the prohibitive cost of child care. Even with child care assistance, sometimes the cost is just too much, or one person would still be working *just* to pay for child care. I work in eligibility services, and I see families

I wonder if it will actually work to cut through the denial, though? I know SO MANY smokers who are in SUCH denial about how much they smoke. (Oh, I only smoke three a day! Oh, I only smoke when I drink! Oh, it's just with work people when things get stressful in the office!) These are are all bullshit. As a former

And if she doesn't comply? What recourse is there?

I like the first one. The other one is really pretty, but it looks like it would be difficult to pair with a wedding band.

Alright, Jez. You sold me. Just placed my order for The Passage.

Eh, as an American I'll say you really don't see much (if any at all) of this kind of behavior in real life. I think it's all jazzed up for the camera. FWIW, I went to an international school in Manila for high school and it was intensely more competitive than anything I have experienced in the States.

I will try! I don't really watch the show, just clicked to it one time to check it out. I did it a second time to see if my dog would do the same thing. To be fair, I haven't tried it in while, mainly because I think what is going on is child abuse and I don't like the show. Watch, though, the one time I try to film

I know. I can't imagine subjecting a child to that abuse.

This show makes my dog cry. I'm not kidding. When that woman starts screeching, my doxie sits straight up and starts whining like crazy and growling and barking at the TV. It really upsets her, lol!

Shockingly, they aren't all from dudes.

W-to the mother fucking-ORD, Lindy. God you're awesome.

Yes! Then he'd realize what he'd done and chuckle - heh heh heh.