
I find those stories incredibly depressing. There was a lady who works for the same state agency as me who got a whole write-up in the agency news letter and a letter of commendation from the governor himself because she missed her daughter's wedding in order to come in on a Saturday and meet a deadline. I can only

Yes, thank you for saying this. I hate this attitude, and I hate being treated like a silly twit because I pretty much schedule my life so that I get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night. I had friends in Austin who used to give me so much crap for not joining them in plans that involved leaving the house at 10:00 pm

Same here. I don't understand people who can routinely go on less than 6 hours of sleep a night for days and days on end. I would be a gibbering mess. If I have to do it, I can function on little sleep, I have to "catch up" the next night with at least 8 though or I just function terribly.

Elevating the conversation!

Oh yes, I definitely had deja vu moments while reading Bossypants. It seemed like far fewer than with Mindy's book, though.

Here's why I was disappointed with her first book. After buying it (for $14 for the KINDLE edition!) I got about half way through and realized I had already read almost everything in the book. About 9/10 of the book had already been published in essay form all over the internet, and since I love all things Mindy, I

I know. It was like a really well-done two hour long music video. I watched it at an advance screening in an altered state and LOVED IT and was shocked and disappointed when the reviews came back so negative.

Isn't it just the case that we women are supposed to do everything "little, cute." Gag. If I get a tattoo, I want a giant back piece of a live oak tree with the roots and everything and my ancestors' and living relatives' names etched into the bark and leaves. Guess that doesn't qualify as a "little, cute" tattoo. Heh.

I think it depends on what industry you want to be in and where you are located. I have friends in Austin with full sleeves who have no problem at all finding gainful employment. Most of them are chefs, waiters, or in retail of some kind. Some are in the tech industry and work as programers or software writers.

I remember an interview with Matt Weiner where he said Don is one of those people who will always look like he's living in the 50's. I think that's a great character insight. I remember people like that from my childhood.

I totally identified with Claudia. My grades were also bad (at least in subjects I "didn't like" a.k.a. had anxiety in) and I read all the time. I had ADD that didn't get diagnosed until adulthood and it totally fucked me up academically. I loved to read, though. I read just about any fiction I could get my hands on.

My brother-in-law's mom gets gel mani AND pedi every three weeks or so. I don't get it. I got a gel manicure for my wedding and honeymoon. While I loved it for that event, I can't imagine getting them all the time. Taking it off is a BITCH. Also, pedicures last a lot longer than manicures and I don't understand the

It pretty much was the same. I remember when sizes 4 and 6 were typically the smallest sizes you could find without going into the kid section. And 4 was rare and extremely, extremely tiny. (Not that I ever, EVER wore those sizes, mind you!)

This. I have always maintained that there is no way on god's green earth that woman would be as successful as she is without "McCartney, as in daughter of Sir Paul" and billions of dollars attached to her name. I have never liked a single thing of hers I have seen. I am always baffled when celebrities wear her on the

Pretty sure I'm required to love this woman, as I am pretty sure she is responsible for hours upon hours of childhood happiness for me. I used to read Sweet Valley High at night under the covers with flash light because my mom thought the books were "trash" and gave me shit for reading them.

Me too! My family gave me such crap for reading them as well. I read Little House, Anne of Green Gables, and Little Women, but I loved me some SVH and Babysitters Club. My mom and stepdad and aunt and everyone hated those books and gave me so much shit for reading them, and I was so ashamed of it I would read them in

I think "ambitious" might be more code for "professional job with decent pay check and not still working in a head shop in your thirties" more than "rich." Totally with you on the "healthy/physically fit" as code for skinny or GTFO, though. Most people who would say that don't buy into HAES.

I got so distracted by that super spooky makeup I hardly looked at the clothes.

I know! That oily, smarmy smile! GROSS!

At the very least! Sheesh!