
I'm very nervous about the entire process. I don't want pitocin, either. It seems to cause a lot of pain, and rarely do what it is supposed to. Also, I have steel rods in my back for scoliosis and have had bad experiences in the past when doctors have tried to do things with my spine. Those spinal pain relief

Holy shit.

Yes, I'm only seven weeks, though. :)

Yeah, I understand it can be just a fulfilling of a birth experience and if I have to have one, I would rather do that than die. In my case, though, I have spinal scoliosis with two steel rods in my back and I have never, ever had a positive experience when doctors had to do anything involving my spine. In college, my

DO NOT WANT. Do not want c-section. DO NOT WANT!

So f*ing creepy. Blerg. -shudders-

Oh man, about twice a year or so I crave a Big Mac like crazy and I can't stand it until I get one. I always feel like crap after, but I still do it. There is something about those damn things. It's so evil.

Yes, I noticed the same trend in Europe. It's even more stark in developing countries, where McDonald's is considered cool and trendy. In the Philippines, the cost of a combo meal at McDonald's could easily feed four people at a street vendor. It's considered a special treat - you used to see kids celebrating

I'm sorry, but that is ridiculous. No one *has* to eat fast food.

I do agree that you have to put yourself out there. When I was dating online, I initiated conversation way more than was initiated by men. (I know it's not the case for other (read: younger, hotter) women, but I'm not what you would call a classical beauty.) I met my husband because I initiated contact with him

I live in Texas, and around here a big mac value meal runs about $6. You can eat even cheaper if you buy off the dollar menu. Then you could get a double cheeseburger, small fries, and any size of soda for $3 plus some negligible tax. I admit to having used the dollar menu in my very poor days.

The salads, especially the good salads, are always more expensive and they never have promos. My father-in-law is a junk food junkie, largely because he is lower income, and he made fun of my "expensive" salad the last time I (begrudgingly) agreed to eat fast food with him. Unless it's Wendy's, an up-charge is usually

Right, because most people eat fast food because of price, not nutrition. As another commenter pointed out, we are going to have to stop the subsidies that keep the price of fast food artificially low if we are going to change the course of the nutrition crisis in this country.

Yes. See also: corn. When processed corn products (corn syrup, hello) stop getting dumped into EVERYTHING because it is "cheaper" due to subsidies, we won't see an end to this trend.

No lamb? That's a weird one. Why no lamb?

Isn't it boring? And it's so LONG. Everyone acts like it's this magical wonderful journey, but really it's waiting around for nine months not being able to do anything fun to pass the time.

I live in Texas. o_0 I am getting freaked out.

Thanks! It's relaxed and sane people like you that are making this experience bearable. :)

Really good sushi, yes, it is saved for formal occasions. However, sushi is everywhere in Japan. Mom and pop sushi shops are totally ubiquitous, every neighborhood has at least one. You can also get fast food sushi in department stores, convenience stores, grocery stores, and from street vendors.

LOL, yes, you are correct. I am from the South. Sometimes we worry more about offending a stranger than doing what's right for ourselves. :) I'm going to just flat-out tell my doc NO CATHOLIC HOSPITALS!