I am going to start and snark blog called, "It Came From the Pregnancy Boards" and post the insane, stupid, and insanely stupid stuff I see there. I can't stand those places.
I am going to start and snark blog called, "It Came From the Pregnancy Boards" and post the insane, stupid, and insanely stupid stuff I see there. I can't stand those places.
Yeah, when I read the thing about eating meat well-done I just snickered laughed. Ain't gonna happen! As long as the temp gets to 135 everything is already killed, anyway. Some of those recs are just stupid.
This scares the shit out of me. How do you find out of a hospital is Catholic without looking like a giant douche?
There is actually a study out of Denmark that found THC isn't harmful during pregnancy, but the by products of smoking are. If you could get your hands on some lollipops or tincture it would probably be fine.
It actually IS a good weight loss plan. I've lost five pounds! And I don't have morning sickness, either.
I got food poisoning last weekend. From a salad. We were so scared, but everything seems ok. It must not have been listeria, but still.
Are you me? I have been avoiding certain people and situations until everything is safe and clear because if I didn't have a glass of wine they would [i]immediately[/i] become suspicious. Also, yes, I want to start a support group.
Actually, yes. I lived in Japan for two years. Thank you and goodnight. I have found excellent sushi in the States. Maybe you are looking in the wrong places.
Hey, thanks for the tip! That is AWESOME to know!
Thanks! I think he'll me more accommodating in the second. He's worried about brain development right now.
I feel so vindicated! Thank you!
Wow, this was a great post, thanks! I had no idea about the weird pregnancy things in other countries.
Not only do I drink a cup of coffee in the morning, a couple of times a week I have a Diet Coke in the afternoon. -GASP-
Yeah, I was thinking I'd hold out until the first trimester is over then have maybe 1 or 2 glasses a week. I am still drinking my cup of coffee in the morning. And sometimes I have a Diet Coke in the afternoon. (Obviously because I am a terrible person who hates my baby, lol.)
Oh my god twins! Congrats! Also, your user name in this topic is hysterical. :D
Me too. I've been doing this thing with cranberry juice and sparkling water and telling myself it's a good substitute. It is not.
I am seven weeks pregnant and this is so spot on! I have decided to read it all, not take any of it seriously, and do what I feel is best.
Yes! This is what I ask every time I hear someone telling people to "major in something that pays well." And anyway, even if you major in something "useless" you can still use your degree to get a job. A lot of employers don't care what your major is as long as you have that piece of paper.
When that happens to me, I just name the university I went to, add that I then went to culinary school, and leave it at that. They don't need to know I didn't finish at the university. What I don't tell them won't kill them.
Oh, and don't forget how ungrateful we all for being unwilling to work as unpaid interns (AKA slaves) for YEARS. We just don't want to pay our dues.