
I am in the same boat. I dropped out of college (I now know I had untreated ADD that totally fucked me up academically my entire life) and got an Associate's degree in Culinary Arts. I am not extremely lucky that I got a job with a state agency and make enough to live on and am able provide excellent health insurance

I agree. This shit is out of control and needs to stop. I went to culinary school when I couldn't find satisfying work after college (HUGE waste of money!) and people I graduated with are paying back 100K for an ASSOCIATE'S degree because the school pushed "cost of living" loans. I was lucky that I had family who

I truly hope so.

Even as an atheist who doesn't believe in fate, this seems to be tempting fate in a remarkable way.

I'm making mussels steamed in butter and white wine, French bread, salad, and chocolate whoopie pies.

Love it!


"...laying down in mud puddles like pigs." LOL. I actually know someone who "unschools" their child and it baffles me constantly. The kid is a video game expert, but can't spell "cat."

Me either. I just started screaming "Fuck You."

Me too. All of that. This poster needs to go fuck himself.

No. Fuck you. You calm down. I am sick off all this fat shaming bullshit and I'm going to start calling people on it and I'm not going to "calm down." Don't you fucking tell me to calm down ever again you fucking asshole.

There was a Savage Love column a long time ago (it has to have been six or seven years ago) that made me think this is pretty much the case. The man who wrote to Savage basically went on and on about his perfect model wife, but how much he loved picking up "disgusting sloppy fat chicks" at bars and fucking them in

This. This is what awesomeness is made of. <3 You win.

Sounds like your issue, not theirs. I hate screaming children. But you know, kids will be kids. Hating them is my issue, not the kids' or the parents'.


If we did the +1 thing on Jez, I'd do the +1 thing.

I agree with you. The comment was overtly snobby and out of line.

eBay. My ring is from an estate sale in upstate New York. A jeweler was auctioning the jewelery from the estate. My ring is art deco, diamond and platinum. Probably from the teens or twenties. I think my husband paid less than 1K. I love it. It's not at all what I thought I was going to get (he used some clever

I want to come up with something to dupe rich people into giving me money for making shit up. That sounds like the perfect job.

Yeah. I tried to read my horoscope and couldn't get through it.