amyrlinn (old)

I too refuse to work back to backs, and have extended my lunches to 3 hours. You have to think about the future. Marathon not a sprint 

You’re right, I’ve enjoyed the hell out of it every time I’ve played it. 

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: all of these reviews make me feel guilty for enjoying Anthem.

Nobody cares what the #2 news team says, buster

thank u, sit

Small Japanese grill?

Squirtle: Starting to realize what the bourgeois have done to society. He waters the sapling of revolution.

The factors that make it hard to unionize are the same that make it imperative to do so. This is not a reason to give up on the idea, it’s a reason to push harder.

You apparently care. So much that you’re really butthurt about it, too.

Please don’t write posts with headlines like this until we know what is going on with Drew.

Can we get an official update on Drew? You don’t have to get into specifics or anything, just a simple “he is doing better should be back soon” would be nice.

That 9/11 Jets tweet was something else, though. I feel like it deserved to win.


Whats stopping people from building their own decks by canibalizing other decks?

“If only 10 percent of players slugged through the 18 hours of Red Dead Redemption

Well then, the hard part is done. Find yourself a coworker and politely call them a bitch.  Several times, obviously.

I can see how skating face-first into someone’s shoulder would hurt.

folks that gif is freakin me when my beautiful and caring wife takes the last beer!!! god bless and love to (baret voice) my wife