amyrlinn (old)

starts slow but picks up, i’m feelin it

cool! i’d like to learn more about high-energy songs, like ioi’s very very very (but ones that aren’t from major bands). q&a was a good one from a while ago, so things like that

are we allowed to put in requests for what kinds of kpop songs get featured here?

my girlfriend buys both because of version exclusives and then beats both of them. and yes, she bought both sun/moon and ultra sun/ultra moon.

when even casual viewers like myself could relatively accurately predict at least 6 of the top 8 for every big melee tournament it was time for it to be over. i’m glad some new games are getting their chances to shine.

THQ nuking their own dick from orbit for the lols wasn’t what I expected out of today but you know what, alright

haha, what a fun and quirky thing to do by a *checks notes* actual dictator

you could also just use the built-in features of streamlabs, which has a direct link to OBS and is built in through the streamlabs version of OBS

whoever wound up on top won, this is also the rules I do for sex


dude, I get it, you are incredibly mad at me for saying that I’d like to play this on my preferred system

go Shanghai and Philly!

Really wish this game was coming out for PC, jeez. Oh well.

the Olympics ending would suck absolute ass, because I really do like the competitions that go on and getting to see some of the best in the world at sports I didn’t even know existed

I really don’t like a lot of the new Expert+ charts. Expert felt like a coordinated dance; Expert+ feels less so - almost overcharted, as it were.

TR is a super fun guy to work with at GDQs, and I’m glad he’s getting the appreciation he deserves for putting in a whole hell of a lot of work on this.

banning wobbling is wack

I disagree that Every Score Needs To Count Always, because I used to be a diver, but on the whole I agree judging should be tightened up.

sounds like the in-house queso recipe a deli i used to work at makes, and nobody ate that one either

heavy disagree on lucina but the rest i’m ok with