amyrlinn (old)

crazy that twitch basically just keeps cribbing features from frankerfacez. just hire stendec already, twitch! fuck!

fgc viewers exist upon the internet, which has been traditionally unfriendly towards women and especially women in visible, high-profile positions such as commentators

naw it’s real fuckin hilarious when billionaires get swindled, wish it happened more

the NHL does something similar with fouls/penalties, where they don’t award them until the team that committed the penalty touches the puck, which would be a super cool way for basketball to handle it in my opinion

He only got a brief mention at the end, but I’m pulling for Alioune to make it far. His play is wild and extremely fun to watch. He probably can’t beat any of the gods, but boy howdy would that make for a fun ending.

The diamond and the donut, each with 250 health, right? That was my final boss the first time I won, Corpse Explosion ripped them apart since I was running a Finisher-based deck with a bunch of Blade Dances and Endless Agonies.

Corpse Explosion is one of the funniest cards the Silent can get, and makes later encounters trivial since you only have to kill one monster to wipe the rest.

isn’t it kind of like the end of naruto where if they control the moon (kingdom hearts) they control the world (worlds)


I’ll take the bait: What, exactly, do you dislike about someone who’s beaten a game dozens, if not hundreds, of times, finding ways to make their (single-player) playthrough faster?

Wasn’t Death Drive also in Let It Die, that free-to-play PS4 game Suda made?

I’m throwing my hat in the ring for Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2X. Packle is a great friend of mine, and he truly showed off how good he is at these games. (I also commentated MOH:Airborne for him one run earlier, but that one suffered from some unfortunate hiccups)

why’s homie on the left look like he got a shovel for a face

Boy howdy, I had to look real hard at the sentence “almost no one plays [fighting games]” a few times before it made sense to me. You really think EVO is out here holding multiple 10k+ person tournaments every year for, like, the average schmoes who just happen to stumble into Mandalay Bay and are like “yeah, I could

Was the email from SBNation to Megan Greenwell posted anywhere? I seem to remember it, but I can’t find exactly where.

An ex of mine, for our one-year anniversary, made a little shadow box of stuff we’d done, and included the physical tickets to the Broadway shows we saw that year. It was really cool.

A ton of people play Dhalsim, Blanka, and ‘Gief at top levels, man! Dhalsim is (or was, I haven’t checked in a while) pretty good in SFV, and I’ve heard Blanka is top tier.

LUL is an awful, awful emote, and I really wish it had continued to be relegated to BTTV so I could ignore it.

do yall ever reply to these people beyond what sometimes gets published in the dead letters? i’d like to believe that, like, you or david sometimes just takes the time to send something dumb back

boy howdy i didn’t know the phrase “blood elf daddy” was one i never, ever wanted to see with my eyeballs, but today i’ve been enlightened