amyrlinn (old)

i was really hoping this was going to be like the deadspin articles asking about people’s fantasy teams, where you ask a question in the article and then the comments are locked

The funny thing is all of the equipment being released (that only works on her character, naturally) actually sucks.

you know you can, like, control your kids’ screen times, right?

My thinking is almost the exact opposite of Fahey’s, actually. WoW adding a group finder made gearing up for the actual endgame content of raids so much easier, because I didn’t have to bother my guildmates into running a dungeon, inevitably not have one of our tanks online, post in trade chat for half an hour, fly

Carlsen is 1st in the world in rapid and blitz, while Caruana is 8th and 16th, respectively, if memory serves. That’s a not-insignificant gap for quicker categories.

Yeah, Carlsen extremely shut Caruana down in these games. Game 2, especially, the final position is so smothering for Caruana that a friend and I played out a couple lines and there’s literally no way (without a major blunder) Caruana comes out ahead.

bortles out here tastin the sweet, sweet air of freedom as the jags allow him to throw more passes

In Sun/Moon, the move itself in the move select screen would have a tag on it saying “not very effective/super effective”. I assume from the original comment that’s been taken out for Let’s Go.

Punk and Smug are hands down my two favorite SFV players right now, just because they both hit the “heel but not unlikeable” mold so well.

exeggcute is also just angry eggs

“honedge is just a floating sword”

but consider: evee wear hat

Ben, thanks for explaining why some moves were hyped so much. I don’t play much chess, so I didn’t understand why 10...Rd8! was such a vaunted move - the commentators I was watching started going nuts with theory, but I just wanted them to explain what it could do or threaten.

But the article posits this as “upending” the game. We know how to do this stuff already, and to have a headline that implies doing glitches in a single-player game is cheating is kind of annoying and something I thought speedrun coverage on Kotaku had moved past.

I am extremely certain that every single zip the AI did in Sonic is already known by speedrunners of the game.

I can’t believe there are still people in this world who don’t like Big Shaq and his quintessential hits, Mans Not Hot and Man Don’t Dance. He’s even coming out with a third song in the series soon!

It added two completely new game modes in Blackout and Heist on top of the standard excellence of COD multiplayer, and revamped Zombies to be far more noob-friendly. I’d say that’s pretty packed.

careful when ye stare long into the Gritty, lest the Gritty stare back into thee