amyrlinn (old)

This gets said every story, but he’s so red now that looking back at the first picture he actually doesn’t look as bad.

creeding some asses on an odyssey

i could whip the eagles’ mascot’s ass at football and nobody can tell me different

These guides are specifically so bad that speedrunners have taken to mocking them by doing “Prima%” runs, where they have to follow the guide EXACTLY AND TO THE LETTER with no deviation (Bounceyboy’s Super Mario Sunshine Prima% is a good example of this). I’m a Borderlands 2 runner, and when I tried to do this co-op

You mention Master Mode (and also TGM) in the article - how similar are those?

I definitely agree with your final sentence. I’m not that great at Fortnite, so part of my strategy was to bait people into building high above me and then shoot out the supporting parts of their structures so they either fell and I could fight them on level ground or they would die from fall damage. Being able to

It takes me usually about half an hour of playing a game like To The Top before I have to stop playing for a while. One of my friends has such an incredibly hard time with it that as soon as he slightly moved in that game he took the headset off. Games like Beat Saber and Knockout League I can play forever, though,

It’s more thrilling to make your character jump off a high cliff when you yourself can feel the height of the drop

Apparently the uninstaller for DELTARUNE just deletes the entire folder it’s installed in, so be EXTREMELY CAREFUL where you install it.

I like that the cornerman attempts to slap him back.

my coworkers were whining during lunch about how “basketball is ruined” because the warriors are so good and it was extremely funny to hear

update: finished ending A, it was pretty good, probably gonna go for the five major endings

out here tryna finish at least one of the major endings of nier auto tomato

Also pretty good for co-op speedruns, hopefully.

Breitbart, probably.

Gonna go fly to Turin, look deep into Agnelli’s eyes, and tell him he owes me all his money, and he’ll hopefully see I’m completely serious.

Or would you rather not have towering artistic achievements like Red Dead or the Witcher.

wayne gretzky!

I know, I just can’t figure out how to post pictures, otherwise I’d have snapped a picture of it - every time I try to put one in, it says the picture upload failed. :(

You should look up what they’ve added rather than attempting to dunk on me. Heist plays absolutely nothing like every other game mode, and is one of the best additions to CoD in years. Yes, the standard multiplayer stuff is there as well, but the operators add a level of complexity I enjoy, almost akin to Rainbow Six