amyrlinn (old)

I mean, there are three extremely deep, complicated multiplayer modes, each with their own playstyle (and even different playstyles within the modes, as in Heist vs regular multiplayer) but ok go off

Gritty being more popular than Bortles is, at this point, probably not entirely untrue.

I’m super excited to see the level of skill amping up in women’s halfpipe. I always watch both each Olympics, and I know (unfortunately) to moderate my expectations, but man, in 2018, it really seemed like the women were getting enough airtime to do higher-level tricks, just none of them were going for it. Hopefully

Viewbotting is unfortunately an extremely common thing on Twitch. I saw one guy (and obviously I can’t prove it, but all the accounts that were watching and chatting had been created around the same time and said roughly the same kind of unrelated stuff) bot for about 500 viewers, and it was pretty freaking weird,

ellen the generous

I’m not saying it didn’t! I just think the more comic-y style of MvC3 appealed to me more than MvCi’s, which almost felt like they were trying to hit a realistic style. I’m not gonna like, go scream at the devs or anything over it, because that would be dumb as shit.

I like MvCi matches, but it’s still super unfortunate that Capcom moved away from the comic-book style of MvC3, which I think looked visually way more appealing.

Hear me out here, Drew: pajama pants with no shirt. That’s a comfy way to sleep year-round, especially if you spring for the nice pajama pants and get a thick comforter.

the adults did create what they chose to, and what they chose to do was remove the groping part

if you’re really locked into “i want to grope the tity” in games, i guess that’s the hill you can die on, i don’t particularly care about that part

there’s plenty of stuff i don’t like in games and if it gets taken out i’m not particularly going to care because it’s not going to affect the actual good parts of the games i like

‘If you don’t stand up for the stuff you don’t like, when they come for the stuff you do like, you’ve already lost.’

Something viscerally terrifies me about Donkey Kong’s refusal.

He’s done these climbs with ropes (many, many times) before, and in fact holds a sub-2 record on The Nose on El Cap. Different route, but still.

Most streamers/youtubers who aren’t big but still have a decent following will take steps to protect their real names from getting out online, and as such the only way to refer to them is their handle.

He’s also apparently going to stop talking to women at events entirely.

Whoa there, don’t bring Gritty into this.

Oh, that comment wasn’t music? I love music!

the borderlands speedrun community is uniquely unexcited by this for multiple reasons, which is unfortunate, because we’d really like to be hyped about it: a) ps4 exclusive b) motion sickness from jump/controller movement c) no co-op

I’ve been following Gundacker since his come up on Vine, it’s cool to see an actual good person come out of that hellsite. His “guy who likes music” is also a quality series of Vines.