amyrlinn (old)

Looks like the category exists, so you could take a whack at it!

Yeah, I feel like this was definitely his intention - to confuse the keeper enough that he wouldn’t try to block it.

Speedrun communities generally tend to agree on a set of rules to play a game by, no different than literally anything else. I’m not going to go play basketball and shoulder-check a dude off the court and say “Guarding is ok, but as soon as I do that, I break the game?”

A lot of games will do this. In A Hat In Time, for example, we banned savequitting to main menu in all categories, despite it being 50 seconds-2 mins faster depending on category, because it breaks the flow of the game and runners didn’t like how it played.

shockingly, people have the ability to care about multiple things, and when the author of a VERY, INCREDIBLY popular young adult fiction series that most twenty-somethings read when they were growing up and that most likely (for better or worse) informed some of their worldviews decides to retcon stuff to appear Mega

Fuckin’ right. Glad Wilson is finally, finally seeing some form of punishment for headhunting.

Connor McDavid out here lookin’ like 2004-era Greg Sestero.

i’m pretty sure everyone in this world is named harry potter, otherwise they wouldn’t have titled the books that. just like they named the game bloodborne after the main character, john bloodborne.

coming summer 2020: harry potter just absolutely fucking murders a ton of magical creatures by dropping a ceiling on them

Hey, homie, you know this isn’t a court of law and people can be banned from attending Smash events even without being convicted, right?

This movie owned extremely hard, and had a character in it called Fartholomew Fishflinger.

Shouldn’t it, uh, go...up?

Wasn’t it confirmed for 10? Or am I making stuff up?

FF9 will be a co-op relay, not a race. The three of them will each play through a portion of the game.

It’s cool to see that prominent Smash players are coming out in support of banning him from events, with a couple even going so far as to say they won’t attend any event if he’s allowed to attend, I think.

Fortnite is a good game. Blackout, or at least what I saw from the beta, is a better game.

I did exactly that for every single Telltale game. I already play enough unique VNs like Root/Double, the 999 series, Danganronpa, that I didn’t really feel like going through another whole series.

Oops - actually, it’s a 4:54.03, but I’m fairly certain from what I remember it’s physically unachievable by humans because it presses both left and right on the same frame at the start to speed up faster:

Hey Heather, just a heads up, I believe the TAS is down to either a 4:53 or a 4:52.

Your anger is focused at the workers rather than where it should be aimed - at the bosses who won’t pay their workers what the workers feel is appropriate compensation.