amyrlinn (old)

This is only Steam, though, and doesn’t touch any other platforms the games were released on. The numbers could be higher there, which is why I said upfront that they’re incomplete.

I sent this in another reply, but here, this is where I saw the numbers:

Not doubting your numbers, but adding more context to my original statement, here’s where I got my ideas from:

According to some (admittedly, most likely incomplete) numbers I saw from SteamSpy, they actually didn’t sell like hotcakes, and in fact sold more like, uh, coldcakes.

honestly? a mascot that slips twice and then hits a guy in the back with a t-shirt gun is the PERFECT mascot for the flyers

this is actually pretty funny and a good way of responding to dumb questions

how long before a guy going for a sack stops six inches in front of the QB and just refuses to tackle him

It still shocks me that he’s so red in that picture. Why is he so red?? Did he miss that sunscreen was ever invented??

This beta absolutely ripped. I’m 100% going to buy BLOPS4 specifically for this mode because it made such a good impression on me. It fixed my biggest gripe from PUBG and Fortnite: that when you pull your chute at the beginning of the game, it doesn’t take eighteen years to hit the ground.

What’s that one famous baseball quote? “No matter how good you are, you always lose a third of your games. No matter how bad you are, you always win a third of your games.” Guess they’ll be proving that wrong.

It always takes me about two minutes to remind myself that no, Andrew Wiggins is an actual person and not a character from a sci-fi book come to life.

multiple players said or did racist things, a couple were cut for sexual assault, one got lambasted by his team manager on video

my comment wasn’t about that, it was about how apparently watching people online play games is a thing that is like, hard to grasp for some people I guess

can’t wait for all of the inevitable “well, geez, I must be old, because I don’t understand this whole streamin’ and watchin’ thing” comments that appear on EVERY article about twitch

Are mythics really that much harder? I didn’t have much problem doing +0 mythics in Legion, so it’s interesting to hear they might be more difficult in BFA.

Have you ever looked at some of the speedrun challenges? ( Some of those are pretty interesting, specifically the Get Your Kid Taken By Child Protective Services one.

Two questions: no Western release confirmed yet, right? And will the full game have subtitles or are we just confined to waiting if we can’t read or understand Japanese?

I’m always cautious of opinions like your last sentence, because nearly any game can seem like a good fit for a GDQ, which occasionally leads to people berating GDQ staff for not picking [x] game for the marathon. I think I saw somewhere that with all the runs submitted this year combined, GDQ only has 8% of that

this metaphor makes no sense, if i sit down to my computer and boot up Proteus i’m sure as hell not gonna go “ah, yes, i am not gaming right now” is Proteus not a game...