amyrlinn (old)

Kanye, all the way up to My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, produced some of the most highly-regarded rap of that generation. College Dropout, Late Registration, Graduation, 808s and Heartbreak, and MBDTF were all very, very highly acclaimed. MBDTF was where I got into Kanye, and of course I checked out all of his

Aw man, I was really hoping for some more choice Rex Ryan quotes this year, but Al Davis will have to do.

I’ll still never comprehend why, when the bad guys KNOW SNAKE IS COMING, do they not warn their underlings that “hey, if you see a cardboard box wandering around/if someone is knocked out with a dart in their neck, SNAKE IS THERE and you shouldn’t just look at them then go back to whatever you were doing.”

There’s a WOW app that worked for WoD missions, and since the person you replied to talks about the app, I’m guessing it still works today. It was free, if I remember correctly.

Nick sounds a whole lot like Jack McBrayer on this for some reason.

celebrity culture and reality TV must be difficult to grasp too, then

As far as major merchandising, absolutely. Daily multiple news articles, not as much, since it’s not getting patched as often as Fortnite or doing anywhere near the interesting story things Fortnite is.

I’m not sure what you’re paying attention to, but Minecraft is still gigantic.

Oh man, Iran knocking India out of the kabaddi finals is actually a pretty big thing.

what the hell, this armor looks way cooler than any i’ve encountered. to be fair, i haven’t beaten xeno yet, but man, i’m just not impressed by how a lot of the high-rank armor looks so far.

Fair enough, I suppose I didn’t think about that part. Could that be remedied by changing it to a one- or two-inning break?

I don’t understand why HBP shouldn’t automatically recall the pitcher. If he did it on purpose, then he’s outta there and can’t hit people again. If it just got away from him, then he needs to get it back under control or step out of the game if his arm is too tired.

TPP nowadays is actually somewhat depressing to watch, in that whoever runs it has nerfed all the random elements into the ground and now relies entirely on a small group of people to play through the game “properly”. Also, there’s a ton of screen clutter on the stream.

why this man so shiny

with the tone of that opening, i fully expected to see an “owo” somewhere in there

there’s a pretty major menu glitch you can do in guacamelee 1 to wrong warp multiple places, and it’s been confirmed that it’s present in guacamelee 2, so speedruns should be pretty cool

it hurt a lot to wear and i lost feeling in my legs :D

They haven’t, considering my adblocker works even while I’m signed out.

The tweet announcing this got ratioed to hell, which is pretty funny. Also, pretty much all of my friends have said they’re just planning on going back to using adblockers and not paying for Turbo. Definitely anecdotal, but I’ve seen similar views from a ton of other speedrunners.

Why not 49 seats in the endzone? Come on, 49ers, dropping the ball completely.