Is this event time-limited or forever in the game?
I’ve met Kevin at a couple GDQ events, he’s a pretty cool dude. He’s incredibly good at Tetris, too.
The only major complaint I’ve been having is that MHW apparently dislikes my internet or something and keeps disconnecting me from multiplayer quests, so I had to solo a 4p-health-boosted Anjanath and Radobaan. Not the most fun thing, to be honest. I might try to set up port forwarding tonight.
So it’s basically Payday 2 mixed with CS:GO’s economy? Hm, interesting.
Hey, it’d be really cool if some THPS speedrunning was also covered from time to time - point runs aren’t super interesting to a lot of high-level players (I believe they call these zombie routes, because you can just find one and execute constantly to rack up points), but the competition that’s gone on in Tony Hawk’s…
chief botanist WAY too low on this ranking
Aaagh, Drew! What the fuck! Warn us before that fucked-up hand picture next time, will ya?
sonicfox with the irl mixups on go1
yes, absolutely
big fan of the one keeper who stops balls by just letting them hit him in the dang face
The room design and general “going downwards” tone of it kinda remind me of Abyss Odyssey. This game is probably more polished, though.
son, if it takes you 30 minutes to poop out a burrito, you may have other intestinal problems
chipotle is five minutes away from me, qdoba is thirty or more depending on traffic. ain’t always easy
a csgo tourney i went to last year booked krewella for pre-grand finals, which was cool as hell but also probably the wrong group for a bunch of pasty nerds
i actually love his radio-pop hits tbh
pitbull once performed a concert at a walmart in alaska because a bunch of people decided to troll a contest he was having for what walmart to play at and vote for there, but he still went and had a great time
but pitbull is actually cool, though
someone’s clearly never been to some top-level melee tourneys /s