amyrlinn (old)

Hey, so uh, even with this horrendous misplay, how did the Angels let the Sox come back to 12-8???

Now playing

dang, no love out here for the world-renowned 50 Cent: Blood On The Sand LP by Chip and Ironicus

vibeo gamer

This is, what, a 6-frame trick assuming 60fps and 0.1 seconds to cancel the animation? Not bad. On consoles, it’d even be a 3-frame trick.

It’s funny, actually, that having been to and helped produce GDQs for a couple years now that I’m more impressed by the deathless part than the blindfolded part. People have done some WACKY shit blindfolded.

One important thing to add is that this is the first time TMR has done both - blindfolded and deathless - in a run. He’s done one, and the other, but never both at the same time.

do you not wash your butt or

That unfortunately costs thousands of dollars, and ROMs are way, way more accessible.

Hey, here’s another thing, too: LMFAO’s dance from Party Rock Anthem during the breakdown that starts “Every day I’m shufflin...” is in Destiny 2 as the Shuffle Dance, which seems kind of weird that they directly call it by name.

owning the libs by doubling down on racism

Eve Online is the coolest game I’m never going to play.

Do other riders intentionally try to (bump, jostle, crash into, I don’t know the terminology) you if you have the yellow jersey? That seems, uh, not good.

Hm. That makes sense, I think. This is all very new to me!

Could you explain why this is? If Froome is faster, then why not go for it? I’m not trying to be snarky, I just genuinely have never followed cycling.

If I recall from half-seeing my old roommate’s speedruns over his shoulder, THPS4 ends on a military base blowing a bunch of detonators up. Not collecting SKATE, per se, but probably close enough.

thanks lmao

Every picture I see of Post Malone stuns me that he’s 23. Dude looks like he’s pushing mid-40s.

no i’m saying it’s three words

spe ed run is three words

Damn, now I’m actually regretting pulling on the CG banners. Oh well! F2P is a chore sometimes, but I’d rather play this type of game bit by bit.