amyrlinn (old)

It’s more of a reminder thing. With thousands of subs, it’s guaranteed that a few hundred of them will be re-upping that day, and if you’re not streaming that day, they’ll forget to resub and move on to the Next Hotness. Multiply that by a two-week break, and well...thousands of subs gone.

Register for the event, and then sign up on the volunteer link. There are three basic things to do - tech, donations, and enforcement. You’ll be able to specify what you’d prefer to do, as well as what times you’d be available. You can also offer to help mod chat if you’re offsite, but I’ve always only done onsite

This is dope - I produced SGDQ from 7-11am every day (meaning I helped coordinate everything running), so getting to see how people who weren’t as heavy into the event viewed it is cool.

Oh hey, I was the producer for this run. This was actually a lot of fun to set up, because the SMM guys had a whole three-page document laying out how they wanted the race to be set up and timed, which is REALLY nice to have.

That is a macro. I’d imagine it’s against tournament regulations to use that.

But Fortnite locations are two words, so it makes sense to have two-word pairs in the headline.

Wait, haven’t we seen this email of the week before?

Your kid owns and I hope you bought them something cool to celebrate it.

How much do you think soccer players practice that little knee-slide they do after every goal? Has there ever been a time where one of them fucked it up spectacularly?

I disagree on Jerome Boateng’s haircut, which actually looks very nice on him.

Burying the lede on the fact that this website is also apparently selling their warmup gear, which like, why would people buy that?

I disagree: the letters own, actually, because a speedrunner discovered a glitch you can set up that lets you put a letter in the middle of the jump rope and inflate your score.

Monster Hunter World for the PC is “Autumn 2018", so probably pretty close.

Right! And part of the best way to get these idiots to shut the fuck up is to loudly, proudly celebrate people like Suzie doing incredible shit like this.

“Can anyone reasonable doubt that a woman could kick a man’s ass at a video game?”

I mean, the DomZ have some serious brainwashing shit in the first game, so maybe this is a precursor to that? It’s really spotlighted that Jade has a deep connection of some kind with the DomZ, either through her powers or through her bloodline, so maybe she was captured when she was younger (Pey’j mentions knowing

Baffan is an excellent speedrunner who somehow runs Baten Kaitos for 300+ hours and has done that multiple times. Big ups to him.

This make you feel better about yourself? Kicking a family that’s mourning? Implying that he didn’t care about them?

Fingers crossed! Vegas is an extremely fun team to watch (and their home uniforms look cool as hell) so I’ll be hoping for them.

I sincerely hope Vegas does well next year. Unfortunately, a lot of their best players’ contracts are up, and they traded away hella draft picks, so who knows. :/