amyrlinn (old)

I agreed with this right up until you said we need another stupid fucking billionaire to come in and magically fix everything.

Have you seen subtitle systems before? There’s usually a small delay, which is normal.

We’re discussing two sides of the same issue. I agree that Overwatch itself needs more visual indicators of ults, but what I’m specifically talking about (and what the article seems to be referencing) is that at places like the Overwatch League, it’s impossible for deaf/HOH fans to get the full experience, since they

I don’t think he’s asking for sound cues to be subtitled, I think he’s asking for the casters to be subtitled, which makes sense.

I really, really want this to happen. Tom Wilson deserves no happiness ever and should not be allowed to win a Cup.

As much of an asshole move as it was, I absoLUTELY want Draymond to go back to nailing dudes in the balls because of how hilarious the playbacks were.

I was moving apartments last night, and so missed 99% of this game, and I’m mad I missed this save. But also, you know, screw the Caps, go VGK, because it would be hilarious to see the Caps lose to an expansion team in their first year.

Hey cool, I made email of the week! It’s a long stall at the Reading Terminal Market, I think it’s right across from a stall that sells desserts.

This is cool, but if he was doping, why is it cool? I will fully admit to not knowing much about cycling, so maybe he wasn’t “super-doping” or whatever.

People at my work brush their teeth all the fucking time and I do not understand it. Just brush your teeth when you get home, guys, lunch won’t eat away at your dental walls that quickly.

Tidus is really good, it’s just that the rest of his teammates at that point are absolute shit.

I loved Destiny 2, but my friends would constantly insist on complaining about every little thing, and it eventually put me off playing the game altogether.

To posting this story? So racists realize more and more, as the evidence mounts, that actually, being racist Can Have Consequences.

And yet Rosen was still picked... *checks notes* in the first round of the draft.

Didn’t Cassandra Clare actually, like, sue people over fanfic?

Hahaha, Pervis Ellison is a great name.

It’s mainly only useful in categories that aren’t any%. Off the top of my head, All Main Quests, 120 Shrines, and of course 100% would utilize this extensively.

Goodness gracious, who could have seen this coming?

Polish people aren’t all white, you dipshit.