
Why is it either or? Why not both teach them well AND give them a decently safe car?

It’s got onions tied to the seatbelt, which is the fashion.

All I know is my car gets forty rods to the hogshead and that’s the way I likes it

I work in neuro trauma, and also have had someone total my car because they decided to try to cross a 55 MPH two lane country road and didn’t see me coming. It doesn’t matter how good of a driver you are. All it takes is one mistake by someone else, one drunk, etc., and your fate is entirely in someone else’s hands.

then rest his or her chest and body down on the padded longitudinal bench-like assembly

Nope: “Paying over $600 a month for a Hyundai Santa Fe is madness. Just in my opinion.”

No, what I really said was that maybe you should try reading Tom’s article. My words are right there; your willful misinterpretation is unnecessary.

By individuals, you mean like human beings in general, right?

Now playing

But that’s OK because he’s got a Jaaaag

i started looking for a new car in 2013. i went through a lot of used cars, as my family rarely purchased cars new. nothing felt right.

I think my floors are made of glass, because I can see through them.

The real story is wages have been flat for well over a decade. Housing, healthcare, transportation, education have all gone up faster than inflation in the past 10-20 years, but minimum wage has been $7.25 for a decade. Even with record-low unemployment, employers loathe to raise wages. They’d rather leave work on the

Not bad...

When I looked at it, I thought “good, good, great, very wagon, wow car, such design, then WHOAAAAAAA DAT ASS DOE!!

Its actually amazing looking.....from the rear tire forward. That rear overhang is......*looks up synonyms for ugly* REPULSIVE. 

Said but true.

I think what you’re looking for....

$16.5k is the INITIAL D(ollars) it will take to unfuck this car.