
That doesn’t always fly among all manufacturers; most have a caveat that you must have the current car registered for at least 6 months before it qualifies you for a loyalty rebate. 

All of this. I’m eager to get back into riding after my old AF bike stopped running a few years and it’s not worth fixing (1982 Yamaha Virago 750). I used to love riding that thing on dirt roads and back roads, NO HIGHWAY EVER! Need to save up for something more reliable.

Of course we do. Everything he does is bad, clearly. Just like when Mercedes sent an F1 car to that terminally-ill little boy’s house recently, which also was terrible and not good enough because reasons.

Amber on the corners looks way better. The other configuration makes me twitchy.

Truth. I have one kid, who is still in a booster seat. I got a Volvo S90 sedan to replace my Subaru STi. The car is AWD and great in the snow, has staggeringly massive backseat legroom and a huge trunk. Handles like a dream and is way more comfortable, and has better fuel economy, than the average SUV. Also it looks

Truth. Like 90% of my XC40 sales have been old people. 

Things the name reminds me of: Seltzer. Saltines. Mentos. None of these things make me think about cars. They make me think of what my menu for the day might be if I was recovering from food poisoning or a hangover. 

All it takes for this to happen is for someone at the service center to fat-finger the keyboard and type the mileage in wrong. This is why Carfax isn’t a 100% accurate resource, as others have mentioned. Garbage in, garbage out. It’s not like someone turned the odometer back. I can assure you, Carfax is not demanding

Only insane assholes will have a shitfit about hungry children being fed. 

This, they are only counting items, not looking at the total price. Also, I’ve never had anyone check my receipt upon exit from the Costco liquor store, only when exiting the warehouse. can definitely still text and drive while driving a stick shift, once you’re good at driving stick. I never texted and drove, but I did continue driving my STI with a broken right elbow and my arm in a sling. (Shifted cross-body with my left hand, steered with my knees, timed shifts so I wasn’t shifting while

Yes, this word-salad article left me feeling as though I’d suffered a stroke. Glad I’m not the only one. 

Couple points: Android Auto is not new to the XC90, it has been standard in US-spec models since 2018.

I feel for your friend. I had the same relationship with my 1992 Acura Integra GS-R, and it met the same fate (although it was only stolen the once, but they meant it. It was found 2 days later up on blocks with everything stripped off of it. I couldn’t bear to even look at it).

‘Cause it’s the car that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends...”