Hopefully he wasn’t a football player or swimmer. I’d hate for his future to be ruined.
Hopefully he wasn’t a football player or swimmer. I’d hate for his future to be ruined.
Hope he doesn't get the vapors.
Rep. Duncan Hunter of California intended it as “gotcha amendment,” because he didn’t think liberals would vote to draft women.
All boys are men and all women are girls, so sayeth the Cruz.
The way this all blew up in Duncan Hunter’s face is absolutely delicious.
The idea that we should forcibly conscript young girls into combat, to my mind, makes little or no sense.
Of course Leo is bad in bed. Did anyone ever have any doubt? I mean, since he was a teenager, he has had tons of young models clamoring to take a ride, he doesn’t have to extend effort and never will. He’ll be Jack Nicholson’s age, and still pull it out, crook his finger, say “climb on, honey” and some 22 year old…
NO no, your mother neglected you, you just don’t realize it because you were neglected. On that note, one time i woke with my son next to me and there had definitely been diaper leakage...and i moved to the couch. and left him and my husband in a bed of pee.
Not that anyone can prove.......
“Adorable asshole” indeed. My first two were relatively good sleepers (3-4 hours at a time basically from birth*) and responded pretty well to sleep training. My third on the other hand rarely slept more than 2 hours at a stretch. Since he’d nurse every time I was only getting about 90 min of sleep at a time. At 9…
I’ve been there with my first kid. Didn’t sleep through the night until 11.5 months, then suddenly cry it out worked. Now, as a 4 year old with a new little brother, he sleeps like the dead. You’ll get through this, whatever it takes.
At my son’s 6 month checkup, I was talking about the sleep issues and the (wonderful, practical, grandmother of two) pediatrician looked at me over her glasses and said “I’m pretty sure your son can survive the night without eating. Stop feeding him every time he wakes up!”. He was 95% in weight and had thighs that my…
No, I think you are me... I also have an almost 4 year old that was night-weaned at 3 months and was fairly easy to sleep train at 6 months (she is otherwise the most obstinate child in the world) but my agreeable, happy 10 month old boy is definitely an adorable asshole at night. He was 4-5 wakings until my husband…
My son had the same temperament, to this day bedtime is a struggle because he is naturally a night owl. I didn’t need to CIO with my daughter because she’s an early bird. Get your resolve now, because you may have a night owl on your hands, in which case, the earlier you start getting sleep the better. Be brutal, stay…
I just read your post and had to go kiss my three-month-old, who at this point has one quick waking for a feed in the middle of the night.
You're hitting a good point, kids are different and there's no real way to tell if it's their nature of something we do that yields results. You just have to do what works for the particular child
Starred for “adorable asshole,” lol