
I completely disagree about Miss Bryant. There is some of that in play, certainly, but a lot of her characters on there don't have any mention of weight (I'm thinking of Best Friends Talk Show off the top of my head, but I know there are others.) I love her and I think she's hilarious, and she and the writers have

Yes, what's UP, rugby?

I was kind of hoping I'd be less of a basket case at some point. Oh well! Pass the wine!

I can't handle it either since I had my daughter. It's like my empathy dial is cranked to 11. It makes me fear for my daughter, even though I know she's fine. My husband thinks I'm a lunatic, but I have a visceral reaction to kids getting hurt or being in danger.

I have an acquaintance on Facebook who was recently thanking God for answering hers and her husband's prayers for giving them a son. They prayed and they prayed for the first 20 weeks of their pregnancy, and each time, God told them they were having a son. And they just confirmed it! God must really love them.

This is incredibly common, sadly. It cuts across all demographics - moms, dads, wealthy, poor, all races - it's a moment's forgetfulness that haunts you forever.

Hitches is far from the only man who has said women aren't funny/ aren't as funny as men. See Adam Carolla and Jerry Lewis, to name two.

What if I suddenly need to remember the results of that quiz on what color my soul was? WHAT IF?!

I think my livejournal still exists. I'm keeping it in case the navel-gazing musings of my 17-year-old self somehow contain the cure for cancer. I'm doing it for all of us.

Ahem, allow me to paraphrase:

I think it's telling that only someone of Coco Rocha's stature can be openly unwilling to do nudity of any kind. But it wasn't always that way for her, and she had to work her way up doing things she was uncomfortable with until she was established enough to choose the kind of shoots she wants to do. For the rest of

"It was a hilarious joke when I said your body is horrible! Why didn't you laugh?"

Dr. Rustle, my dog is very interested in subscribing to your newsletter.

I want to be that person and that owl simultaneously.

I thought French Montana was the state's little known wine country. I am disappointed.

Huhhhh guhhh whuuuuh...

Hey, an important update: This tent is on sale! It can be yours for $6,999.95 plus $300 in shipping. (Also, if you live on the coast, ferry fees may apply.)

He truly is the greatest legal mind of his generation.

Baby smell has curative properties. :)

I'm so glad you had some support emerge out of the woodwork, and so sorry to hear about your loss. Knowing you're not alone is a powerful thing. Hugs to you.