Dr. Amy Shah

Hi! I am a huge fan for allergy shots by a board certified allergist when your allergies are out of control or you cannot tolerate the meds. Of course I am biased since I am an allergist but I can tell you that double blind placebo controlled medical trials have proven that it works and helps.

I think you should getting allergy testing to really isolate your triggers. You likely got “sensitized” to things in your environment. You are right though it is strange to be getting it “all of a sudden”. Usually allergies strike in our 20’s . There may have been a trigger event in your body and then the allergies

Is it with raw citrus only? If so you could have something called pollen food cross reactivity syndrome where your body think you are eating a whole bunch of pollen. It happens to 40% people with moderate or severe pollen allergies

Late or delayed reactions can happen with antibiotics- they are different from immediate reactions. Immediate reactions are IGE mediated and lead to a severe allergic response ie anaphylaxis delayed reactions are T cell mediated and usually are much less severe ie rash. T cell mediated means the drug gets recognized

Yes! CRP is a sign of inflammation and allergies are inflammation. Keep looking and try the lifestyle measures I mentioned because that will lower inflammation better than any drugs will!

Perhaps. But usually when you eat foods the “seeds” etc are broken down in your mouth before getting to the esophagus.

This is hard to know because there are no good head to head trials but in my opinion a high quality HEPA air filter right by the head of your bed is probably a good first step!

Hi! I am assuming you mean natural things? Yes pulling yourself off of some inflammatory foods (sugar, wheat, dairy) for a month can help. Cleaning up your diet by excluding processed foods can help. Working on your stress levels and sleep can also help. They probably won't completly reverse it but you will notice a

No all of the antihist are similar - I prefer Allegra and Zyrtec. There is a newer combo med dymista which might be worth a try

Hi! Yes when you are already dealing with environmental pollution - allergies can get worse. It’s like you already have your inflammatory system “riled up” with the irritants in your environment.

Actually it is proven by science! Yes meditate. It won't solve all your problems but I know it will help a lot of them.

Hi! Certain food groups such as dairy (and wheat) tend to be inflammatory and pulling them out of your diet for 4-6 weeks can really improve sx such as bloating, stomach pain, headaches, constipation. After the month off of the food. Add it back and see if your symptoms return. This is different from a true allergy.

What do take right now? If nothing, try a Zyrtec or Allegra before you land. It it’s just for a day or two- you could try the nasal decongestant afrin (again temporary use)

Yes! It’s called chronic urticaria. Esp if there is no obvious trigger and it’s been going on for more than a month. It’s autoimmune and you can get testing for it. Luckily it’s pretty benign and you can usually treat it with a higher dose of antihistamine. Go to an allergist if you want this testing

Hi Joel! Ask your doctor about trying singulair on top of your current regime. I do worry about having so much “D” in your system. Decongestants are good for temporary (5 day) relief. Do nasocort everyday (feels like it’s not working but after 2 weeks you will feel better). As for immunotherapy, what about cluster

Yes on my site I actually talk about the things you can do besides just take medications for allergies - lifestyle measures like sleep, hormone balance and stress lowering techniques

Lessen your exposure- for example- Don’t Touch the dog.

You can develop tolerance to allergies - ie your own dog or to foods you eat often. It’s not clear to researchers why that happens but we think sometimes low level exposure Causes the immune system to go into “tolerance” mode.

Hi! Probably both. This year is worse than others but also your immune system is definately modulated by sleep, stress, nutrition. You may want to “clean” those up and see if it helps

35 is late but did your circumstances change? New house, new pets etc? Also It can take a while for shots to start working and there are now accelerated options that you can ask about called cluster immunotherapy (accelerated shots). This is better than more meds I agree