
My thoughts exactly. I feel for these girls, but hospital and funeral costs add up.

Or us very pregnant/new moms doing stroller walks there!?

You’re wrong. See above comments from health care people.

Agree. I was just commenting to all the “UTI’s NEVER require a pelvic” comments- in urology it’s the first step in chronic UTI or urethral pain visits. Ok second after the urine sample.

Umm, pause. I worked in Urology. This is not true. If you get them enough, a pelvic exam is always done at the first Uro visit.

Nah they have to kill their girlfriends and her children. Every time.

That guy who stabbed people here in Portland had a FB post with something like “if you do not accept Christs teachings of LOVE AND FORGIVENESS you will be killed”.

You poor thing! Glad you made it out.

First one, not so bad. Second one I knew something was amiss when I couldn’t sit up during the normal timeframe. I work in healthcare, too. I told my husband repeatedly, “I’m never consenting to surgery again. I’m just going to die when nature intends.” Pray for my uterus!

Yep- I work in urologic onc. This x100000

I get this. I had my second c section and got an infection and was In the worst pain of my life. I don’t know what I’d do with that choice. I never want abdominal surgery again.

I’m tryin no med techniques, I got an rx but didn’t want to be on it

Did mushrooms several times, can attest to those reactions.

But I need a tutorial for her glowingly blue eye makeup during carpool karaoke. Anyone? It looks like cobalt liner and when she gets her face into the camera maybe lavender around the waterline and crease??

You haven’t seen I Love Dick yet, then.

Yeah, I went from being what my family called a “worrier” to daily attack for a year, understanding mortality, and loss of a sense of reality for a while.

“Lasting panic attacks and anxiety disorders” 🙋🏻

pogs were ultimate garbage. legos are garbage. every item we use is garbage after a new model comes out.

The glass is already broken.

I just commented the same! I saw that special and was thinking, “ sheeeees getting dumped soon.”