
I like cinnamon and cream cheese frosting, personally. I think Satan could dig a spice cake.

More details please!?

We always thought that- Joanna and the furniture dude

This has nothing to do with anything, but my husband told me that next year Id be twice as old as someone who was 18 and I cried. So 36 is twice the age, not 34! Dont make me feel that old yet.

alternating layers. also arent devils food and red velvet both chocolate?

Skinwalker and Slenderman are my new mermaid and unicorn

Reproductive Coercion is not cute, guy. This girl might wake up in a year and realize she married a controlling psycho. This is like the beginning of a story about a guy who kills his family because they lady breaks up with him.

I bought it a year or more ago, it is not very easy to create a look with. I just started using it for the shimmery brown shades (thats 2 shades) this month again. 27$ for two eyeshadows, sheesh. Good riddance!

I bought it a year or more ago, it is not very easy to create a look with. I just started using it for the shimmery

They need to just give away that damn Naked palette, it goes on sale all the time. Is it not selling? Naked 1-2-3 are never on sale

They need to just give away that damn Naked palette, it goes on sale all the time. Is it not selling? Naked 1-2-3

I love Pamela Adlon, but she is playing Pamela Adlon in that show, and in Louie. It was a show I watched, but not one I remember punch lines from for months on end.

People in the Emmys thread are saying she was the lazy choice, but these just made me literally lol even without sound, so I disagree

She is so good in it.

People are too polite, ruining your opportunities

OMG yesssssss. I forget about this one and then am thrilled all over again.

Omg Im gay now (again?). That girl is so gorgeous!

Where Liz tries to be cool but ends up ranting about being a boss at the end, with, “if I ever see that dog again I will put. it. down.”


Yeah, wouldn’t Will be the takeaway? So handsome and chill.

I like makeup but watching idiots talk and talk and talk about packaging and color payoff and drama between beauty gurus makes me wish for end times. This morning I watched someone say they would no longer be “muzzled” about another beauty blogger saying the N word. Girl, you aren’t. No one is making you stay quiet.

On my local news site, someone was asking why a 15 year old suspects name was not released, and then assumed it was because they were protected by DACA.