Amusement Shark

This is also how I describe Megan Fox.

They made short work of them.

That's what David Letterman always called him.

Nothing matters

I liked her Jennifer ANACIN

That's funny; I thought assholes not shutting up when the movie starts were what's killing the cinematic experience.

I don't know what he's done since he quit playing bass for Interpol.

Bill, if being hated killed you, you wouldn't be alive to say that dumb shit. Fuck you and fuck Roger Ailes too.

And Bill Paxton built sets!

"We just discovered proof of mankind's origins on another planet in a way we never imagined. Guess I'll double down on my Catholicism now!"

And we used to sleep on the beach here, sleep overnight..they don't do that anymore. Things changed…you see

Seconding Hoarders: never EVER watch that show while eating unless you don't mind being surprised by the aforementioned human feces or the odd neglected dessicated cat carcass.

"No…it's the children who are wrong."

Woof. No one wants a Ton Delonge delivery of any word. That guy has my least favorite voice.

Call me a lookist (though I freely admit to being average at best in appearance), but I have the feeling spontaneous arousal is less of a risk than you'd think when you see the people on these nude beaches. Think the "bad naked" episode of Seinfeld.

As much as I enjoy the movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I am quite secure I am not missing anything skipping out on the various TV series that never intersect with them.

Gwyneth Paltrow may make a good salad dressing, but her steamed clam is terrible.

Even the theme song?
He likes to beat people up, likes to have fun
You know I'm talkin' 'bout BARRY LYNDON!

This. Bullies won the world. It's amazingly depressing.