Amusement Shark

Never considered eating turtle since I saw Cannibal Holocaust.

Not featured: Slayer

To me it sounds EXACTLY like John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band. So that's what hipster music is now.

Bud Dry? Americans sure are oddly proud of the pisswater they think is beer.

2017 in a sound

Bring in Patton Oswalt to write it.

This movie can 🍴💩 and 💀


I declare this pizza to be…AWESOME

"By relocating his “ghouls” to present-day America and giving them an appetite for brains"

That is a good summary of Led Zeppelin in general.

This should be Trampled Under Foot

Jesus, Robert Plant, did you have to refer to a woman as "child" and then promise to make her "burn" and "sting" later in the same sentence?
*reads about Jimmy Page* Oh.

Someone is not invited to the Lo-Cal Calzone Zone.

I would settle for no less than an ironclad assurance that these two idiots live out the rest of their lives in poverty and obscurity.

It also makes things weird and confusing when people refer to her as "Sanders". I'm always wondering how Bernie Sanders said something so fucking dumb.


Auralnauts, though.

That's a better take, and that does pique my interest. I loved Death Proof for its badass car stunts.

*sigh* I can't make myself care about Baby Driver. I'm just too old and unhip to find anything to enjoy in the trailers. I feel like I'm at a music festival having a lousy time yet blaming myself for not being able to enjoy it.