Amusement Shark

Not every fish truly lives.

Joke's on you when Trump shuts down the USDA!
Now eat your broken glass and Band-aids and drink your rat milk.


I'll give the alt-right trolls this: putting "deplorable" right there in your name makes it easy to systematically ignore you.

Homemade music videos consisting entirely of anime footage, to like a Linkin Park or Evanescence song.

She finally got to wear the outfit she bought while tripping on acid at the Bicentennial.

I'll take a dozen!

So when she crawled out of whatever dumpster to tweet this, was Tila Tequila in there too?

Confession: I came to this article hoping it was a particularity obnoxious streamer a former co-worker used to listen to.

Why can't they just wall him in the White House and set up a proxy server so he can Tweet his remaining years to an intranet of his family members?

That just reminds me I could watch Dawn of the Dead instead of this show.

Heading straight down your throat, because they are candy and not gum.

Donald Trump thinks Black Caucus is the name of his favorite cuck porn.

Nothing beats the old four-player arcade X-Men game. I still hear Colossus' "HRRRUUUUUUUUGGGGGHHHH" super in my dreams.

Man am I sick of Donald Trump (obviously), but also of never seeing him without one of his goddamn kids lurking about every second of the day.

He became Law.

I declare this pizza to be AWESOME

But it's safer in there

Good thing your new prez will change all that!

I think saying both sides are equally bad is a chickenshit equivocation, but what do I know?