Amusement Shark

I can dig it.

I keep hearing he's very nice but kind of sad. Which makes sense I guess.


I'm following that onion. Give it a chance.

Boo fucking hoo, Chris Brown's breaking my heart over here.

People assuming Luke dies need to remember "Jedi" is also the plural of "Jedi".

"My Kind of Night" is the worst song I have ever heard.

One of the reasons I could never fully embrace punk is its dogma. For all its self-congratulatory nonconformity it sure can be rigid.

Kanye shuns attention.

That sounds horribly disruptive.

Are you suggesting that AHS tries too hard…?

Clowns in horror were a hoary cliche before Insane Clown Posse made them fodder for the snarkiest derision I can muster. GTFOOH and find a new subject, horror filmmakers.

Not Enough Capitalization

Fuck off, Chachi; you were a pop-culture footnote thirty years ago. Just because people hate you doesn't mean you're any more noteworthy.

Man, just as I was looking for new ways to be annoyed with Jack White.


Rich people always claim their job is hard enough that they just deserve to make more than anyone else.

Stevie Nicks? Even Carrie thought they were doppelgangers.

Fans threatening to riot make fandom (more) embarassing. We could be weeks away from WWIII, but sure, it's funny to joke about rioting if Daryl dies on The Walking Dead.

I will accept those terms.