Amusement Shark

Jesus Tittyfucking Christ, stop giving these racist anencephalic fucks any attention.

I have to call bullshit on Neil Young's claims, as I seriously doubt a septuagenarian who's been playing feedback-drenched rock guitar for five decades can even hear well enough for the audiophile hair-splitting he's talking about.

Also hemmorhoids tend to make a person pretty salty.

It's apparently for occasions when "U Mad?" isn't quite douchey enough.

I've already seen someone turn the All-Seeing Eye into a piece of pizza on Twitter.

- Anthony Keidis

I wonder if his character will ever speak again in Destiny.

American Horror Story used that one too.

La jiggy jar jar doo
Der der der DEE der

Pretty sure he's identified as S.D. Bob Plissken in Escape from L.A.

It'd be like an icicle trying to fuck a fireplace.

Every time I see something really egregiously shitty posted as a Facebook comment, i glance at the person's profile, and I'll be damned if most aren't alumni of that particular educational institution.
They also tend to identify as "self employed".

And a more pleasant lingering smell.

They called her Toryn Farr, but she didn't go that far.

I stopped watching two seasons ago and just read these reviews; am I safe in assuming basically nothing has happened since the cheap shock of the season premiere?

And FUCK the "Joey falls for Rachel" arc.

He'll literally be Lex Luthor.

She got human waste thrown at her by what must scientifically be the world's least discerning audience.

"WE Are The People!"

I'm picturing Obama Jedi-mind-tricking Trump into submission and it's goddamn delightful.