Amusement Shark

Fuck no. I hate paying taxes, but I pay them. And I never had a charting single that misspells a four-letter word, much less made millions off it.

To be fair, Avatar wasn't written as semi-literate Twilight slashfic.


Isn't Hateful Eight literally Tarantino's first film with a real score? I know Kill Bill had a few seconds of RZA beats but is still mostly songs/old movie cues.

I keep thinking Harris Wittels should play Shkreli in some comedy sketch. Then I remember the former is dead and the latter is alive, which is the definition of a double tragedy.

Hey, it's not like she KILLED somebody!
*reads Wikipedia article*

I hear this song daily. Alberta is one of the circles of hell.


She was really into creampies.

They definitely have that Elite Hunting vibe.

"He's got him in a Fresh Squeeze, Bruno! It's all over now!"

And most of them aren't completely creepy!

Three memories of this show:
1. The incredibly dark and kind of depressing (to my nine-year-old self) finale
2. The characters on the show never looked quite like the toys for unknown reasons (Goddard also fucked this up with the Masters of the Universe movie he directed)
3. My cousin had the jet toy; I remember only the

To paraphrase David Cross, Jesus gets to rule the universe for eternity at the cost of having one really shitty afternoon.

For me it's because this involves absolutely no talent or creativity, just branding and self-promotion.
Full disclosure: I make mash-up videos which aren't everyone's cup of tea, but I think would have their fans, but I can literally not get a single one past YouTube's copyright gates. Then I go online and see people

Does anyone else find it unfathomably depressing that people like this literally become millionaires from screaming obnoxiously at video games? A co-worker watches some Twitch streamer named Castro_1021 whose cackle makes me violently ill. It's the most grating thing I've ever heard. Fuck these guys living their dream.

Ghostbusters: Edge of Tomorrow

The movie it seemed impossible to review honestly.

To be fair, Bubbles had a great time. "DEE-CENT!"

Exactly. I allow QT one terrible line per film (Kill Bill Vol. 2 has Beatrix's line about "performing my coup de gras [sic] by popping a cap in my crown")